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Mandriva Linux 2009 on HP Mini-Note 2133 Thread


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Well I got the HP 2133 and opted for Mandriva 2009.


I got the webcam working using videoview

I got wifi working following this information: http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=...2d140c04002083f


So far so good except for one thing...the main reason I got the HP 2133 in the first place. I need cisco vpn to work. For the life of me I can't get it to work. Every forum I go to they tell me I have to start the service /etc/init.d/vpnclient_init start but I don't have a vpnclient_init. I looked everywhere but I can't find it. I de-installed and re-installed the package with all dependencies but still no dice. I don't find vpnclient_init.


Any help is appreciated.


Hmm, I have never used Cisco vpn (or any vpn) on Linux so unfortunately I don't know the answer to your question.

As your problem is not really Mini-Note specific, maybe try repost it in the Networking section of this forum, so it gets more attention from others who don't use the Mini-Note but might have experience with VPNs on Mandriva.

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Do you have the Mini-Note with the WXGA (1280x768) or the WSVGA (1024x600) screen?


Ok, it looks like you are using the correct driver, here is my xorg.conf (WXGA screen), try replacing yours with it and let us know if that helps.

(you might want to change the keyboard section to match your layout and I also have an additional USB mouse configured)


In Suse anda Windows, I have the 1024x600 working.


I've tried with your xorg.conf adapted, and the same 640x480 appears.


the grep EE and WW over the Xorg.0.log


grep ee


(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER


grep ww


"dri" will not be loaded unless you've specified it to tbe loaded elsewhere


CHROME(0) Panel on K8M800, PM800, VM800, ...... or P4M900 is currently not supported.

CHROME(0) Using VBE to set modes to work around this

CHROME(0) VIALoadPalette: Function not implemented for chis chipset.

CHROME(0) XvMC is not supported on this chipset.


And if i try my xorg.conf, or yours, also appear in the log (for all modes defined in the xorg.conf):


Not using mode "1280x768" (or whatever resolution you try) no mode of this name (when you define it perfectly on the modelines.


And then it try to find vesa compatible modes, and only find 640x480

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In Suse anda Windows, I have the 1024x600 working.


I've tried with your xorg.conf adapted, and the same 640x480 appears.


it seems it's the 1024x600 screen of your Mini-Note that's the problem, see this thread:




maybe adamw might have some suggestion as he said he mantains the openchrome package for Mandriva?


one last thing that maybe could work, try using the following option:


Option "NoDDC"


And then specify a ModeLine for your 1024x600 resolution screen and change Modes to "1024x600".

Edited by tux99
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As it happens, I do have a suggestion.


Use this:




and it should work no problems.


That's the current SVN openchrome, it's known to work fine on the MiniNote, 0.2.903 is known to have mode setting issues.


I suspect SUSE worked because they don't have openchrome properly at all, so you wind up with the 'vesa' driver, which happens to give you the right resolution but will be pretty slow. openchrome's a much better bet, with this bug fixed.

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As it happens, I do have a suggestion.


Use this:




and it should work no problems.


That's the current SVN openchrome, it's known to work fine on the MiniNote, 0.2.903 is known to have mode setting issues.


I suspect SUSE worked because they don't have openchrome properly at all, so you wind up with the 'vesa' driver, which happens to give you the right resolution but will be pretty slow. openchrome's a much better bet, with this bug fixed.


Actually Suse (at least the version preinstalled on my Mini-Note) uses the binary only driver from VIA.


Thanks a lot Adam for providing us with the latest svn version, I might upgrade my Mini-Note to that too (even though it's working fine with the version provided with mdv 2009), I'll need to look at the changelogs to see if it's worth it for me.


I assume it's just a drop-in replacement, no need to upgrade anything else?

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"Actually Suse (at least the version preinstalled on my Mini-Note) uses the binary only driver from VIA."


Oh, that hunk of crap. Heh.


"I assume it's just a drop-in replacement, no need to upgrade anything else?"


It should be, yeah. It's completely untested as I have no Chrome hardware, but this is according to the suggestion of the upstream author, who has apparently already run into a couple of MiniNote users and found that current SVN fixes their troubles.

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It should be, yeah. It's completely untested as I have no Chrome hardware, but this is according to the suggestion of the upstream author, who has apparently already run into a couple of MiniNote users and found that current SVN fixes their troubles.


Ok, I have installed the x11-openchrome svn rpm package provided by you on my Mini-note now, first thing I noticed is a big square 'blob' instead of the cursor, this went away after I enabled Option SWcursor.

Even then though I got occasional random horizontal black lines of various length (5-30 pixels maybe) all over the screen, so after various further testing ultimately I reverted back to the 0.2.903 driver version that ships with Mandriva 2009.0.


As a side note I found the following:



After experimenting a bit with the options in the Device section of xorg.conf as suggested in the above post I found the following option useful as it almost doubles 3D performance even with the 0.2.903 driver:


Option "XaaNoImageWriteRect"


After a X server restart glxgears now does 228fps (with the default config it was 126fps)!

Edited by tux99
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1- I paid the equivalent of about 360 US dollars for the Mini-Note (taxes and shipping included).


2 - Yes, I have Mandriva 2008.0 running on the U100 since I bought it (second hand), the installation was really straight forward (as the U100 came with the DVD-RW dock, too), all hardware works fine with Mandriva (except the useless finger-print scanner and I have never tested bluetooth).

The Libretto U100 is still superior to any Netbook including the Mini-Note, as the Pentium-M 1.2Ghz is still a lot faster than the VIA C7 or the Intel Atom, subjectively it feels as fast as my 2.5Ghz P4 desktop, although the screen of the Mini-Note is even better as it's the same resolution, but larger.

I actually got the Mini-Note for my wife, so I can have my U100 back! ;)


I just have been able to make it work with this driver

http://www.happyassassin.net/extras/x11-dr...2009.0.i586.rpm. It isn't included on the mandriva repositories, for now...

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yer0: thanks for confirming. It won't be uploaded to the official repositories as it may cause trouble for other Chrome hardware, upstream don't consider the code clean enough for general use yet; it's just a quick way for me to provide a working package for you (happyassassin.net is my own site). Once 0.2.904 final comes out, I will put it in /main/backports .

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I just have been able to make it work with this driver

http://www.happyassassin.net/extras/x11-dr...2009.0.i586.rpm. It isn't included on the mandriva repositories, for now...


I'm glad it works for you!


Did you notice any of those horizontal black lines (5-30 pixels long) randomly occassionally over the screen too, or is it flawless for you?


I'm not concerned about those problems for me as the previous version of the driver was working fine so I simply downgraded again to the 2.903.

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