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Mandriva 2009/Windows XP networking


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I' new to using Linux / Mandriva and hope the questions I've are being replied on (fredkreyen@gmail)

and hopefully some solutions being provided.



My issue is;


Since a short while I've setup Mandriva Linux (2009.0) on pc's at home in a dual-boot mode with Windows XP.


My printers are physically attached / and linked to one pc.


Under XP the pc's are set up as a small LAN, ie. pc's have their names and share a common network name.


Under XP I can print from another pc, through the pc with printers attached, to the resp. printers.


Managed to do same under Linux , where Linux has - when setting up / adding a new printer - has the ability

to look for a (Windows) printer / using 'smb' (Samba). Thus that way can print from out Linux pc to the

printer attached to the pc running XP at that moment.


However, when all pc's are running Linux, I've no way finding / or adding a new printer that physically is

attached to one of the pc's (see above) -- even adding IP addresses of the 'host' doesn not help.


Any suggestions ?




Also - don't know if related to above, but under XP, I'm able to actualy see and use the shared folders of the

pc's between one and other and from one and other.


Doing same seems impossible (at least to me) under Linux ?


Have already assiged host names to the pc's - which btw are hooked up to a router - which provides IP-addresses

to the pc's like / etc. and have under etc/hosts named he pc's as eg.

fred1.sloep74.com and bell1.sloep74.com -- respectively in:



--------------- localhost fred1.sloep74.com fred1 localhost bell1.sloep74.com bell1


and a laptop with: fred.lap1.com lap1 localhost


and the following entries all the same for all three pc's;





HOSTNAME=<hostname> ie. like above - thus eg. fred1.sloep74.com





DHCP_HOSTNAME=<hostname> ie. like above - thus eg. fred1.sloep74.com




But despite all this and fact I've put folders in the shared mode on the pc's under Linux,

nothing is found when looking under places, networks etc.


So when you've any suggestions -- these are welcome,


Thanks in advance,


Fred Kreyen


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However, when all pc's are running Linux, I've no way finding / or adding a new printer that physically is
attached to one of the pc's (see above) -- even adding IP addresses of the 'host' doesn not help.


There are two ways ( possibly more ) to get this working.


1. The easy way, install Cups on each linux system. On the print server configure the printer(s) locally. On the rest of the systems, use cups to configure the remote printer.


This is how I set up printing between my linux system. Cups is well documented. You use any web browser to connect to Cups. In the location bar you type http://localhost:631 to connect to cups. Of course you need the linux drivers for what ever printers you have. You can find that information on linuxprinting.org.


2. The hard way, on your print server, install and configure Samba server. ( Now you are doing things the windoze way ). You will need Cups on the server. The printers have to work locally first. Install Samba client on the systems that do not have a printer. You should be able to browser the server and see the shared resources.


For linux to linux, use Cups, that is all you need.

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