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weird OpenOffice quirk.

chris z

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this is driving me nuts & i wondered if anybody had a possible solution.


i have this OO template to make labels for cd's that i burn. (see link below for the template)




i've printed labels using it several times. now, all of a sudden, i can't print the labels. after i finish doing the artwork & text & i click "print", the "sending to printer" dialogue box pops up, but nothing will print. i can print the template as a blank, but anytime i try to print it as a finished product it won't print. i've tried changing the printer options several different ways, tried cups & generic printer drivers, but it just won't work. i can print anything else fine, text, pictures, spreadsheets, etc., both in OO & from other sources. i can print anything except for the above cd label template as a finished product. i'm stumped! :x any thoughts or ideas as to why this might happen? i haven't changed the template format or any of the template settings. the last time i printed one was a week ago, but i can't even print templates that have printed successfully in the past. makes me want to lie down in the tall grass & wonder. :shock:



if it matters any, my printer is a HPdeskjet 940c, on a parallel port.

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thanks for the tip BooYah. i'll give that a try tonight. i was pulling my hair out trying to figure this out yesterday, but i finally gave up. i'll post back with the results tonight or tomorrow.


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i'm stumped! :evil:


i cannot get that template to print, no matter what i do! i've renamed it, changed the file extension from swx to std, i've remade it on a clean template, i've renamed the master template, i downloaded a new template........i can't get the damn thing to print as a finished product, which makes no sense to me. i've also tried changing the print properties from cups to generic & back again. i was wondering if somebody here could do a test for me? would somebody be willing to:


1. go to the link in my first post, download that template, & make some design on it & try to print it & let me know if you could print it, & if so, was there any special thing you needed to do?




2. allow me to e-mail you the template i'm trying to print (which might be better, if it's something specific to this project) & tell me if & how you managed to get it printed? it's only a small file, something like 20k.


if you go to the link above & look at that template, what i've done to it is added a thatched background to one label & a colour gradient to another, both from OO sources, & put text on them using OO fonts, so there's no third party fonts or artwork involved.


if anybody is willing to give it a try, please let me know. i'll play some more with it tonight & if i can't get it to work, then i suppose it's time to fire up the Window$ parttion, which i don't wanna do. :(



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Open Office can't print out certain fonts for some freakin' reason! i was using the fonts "dance" & "thorndale" for my text. i was reading through the help files & came across the "character" option, where it will give you info on the fonts. the info for those fonts said "this font font style will be simulated or the closest matching style will be used". i went "hmmmmm......." & changed the fonts to something universal (times & arial) & it printed immediately! anybody ever hear of something like that? and, i never booted into Window$! i perservered! :lol: if yer bored or wanna test that theory, try printing something in either of those fonts & let me know if it printed.



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