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cdrdao/cdrecord permissions questions

chris z

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hi all,

this has me boggled. some of you may remember my infamous, neverending thread about k3b & my problems getting that set up properly. well, i'm still having this nagging issue with user recording/burning rights. i am the only user on my computer, so i have "root" (naturally) & "chris". i know the dangers of "root" power, but i think i have enough knowledge now that i'm not gonna do anything boneheaded like renaming my lilo.conf file because i'd think it would sound better as coolchris.conf. anywho, onto the questions.......


no matter what i do, i can't seem to make any of the burner programs (k3b, xcdroast, & texstar's cdbakeoven) to give user "chris" all the rights i need to burn correctly. for example, cdbakeoven won't let me burn anything as "chris", i need to run it as "root" to get anything accomplished. it tells me that user doesn't have enough rights for cdrdao & cdrecord. k3b will not let me burn with the "disk at once" option, but i can burn as an image. that tells me that cdrdao can't be found when i run it as "chris" (even though it's installed & found when run as "root") same thing with xcdroast......no "disk at once burning allowed as "chris". using "userdrake" & "kuser" i've added everything i can think of to give "chris" permissions for the following.....cdrdao, cdrecord, mkisofs, cdwriter, xcdwriter, k3b, xcdroast, cdbakeoven. i've created groups for all of those & added chris, adm, operator, & root as members of those groups. i "save" after adding. it even shows "chris" as members of those groups when i do "id" in terminal:


[chris@default chris]$ id

uid=501(chris) gid=501(chris) groups=501(chris),1011(cdwriter),1004(k3b),1003(mkisofs),







[chris@default chris]$ su


[root@default chris]# id

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1011(cdwriter),1004(k3b),1003(mkisofs),




[root@default chris]#


is there another way, other than "userdrake" or "kuser" to give access rights to goups, specifally the aforementioned cd burning groups, so i can do any type of cd burning as "chris"? does it have anything to do with the numbers it assigns to those various groups, & if so, how can i change the numbers? when i add groups in "kuser" it automatically assigns it a group id number (ex. cdrecord 1002). any input would be greatly appreciated.


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K3B not wanting to do DAO is quite normal, even if you have cdrdao installed and permissions set right; it doesn't want to do it on my box, even though I can do a dao disc with gcdmaster.


Reason: I think it tries to use cdrecord (it will for data discs) and that doesn't do dao discs with most drives.

It does work for other stuff as user chris, like burning iso's right?


So your stuff is properly set up I would think. At least, it may well be.


Also, try if you can use gcdmaster (audio without 2sec pregaps, for live albums etc) as user chris. If that is the case, your permissions are ok.

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It does work for other stuff as user chris, like burning iso's right?


yeah, i can use k3b as user chris to burn iso's fine. just thought it was something i was missing or didn't have something set up correctly. still think it's weird, though. as chris (k3b, for instance) shows under "configure k3b"->"prgrams" cdrdao as not being found. when i run it as root, it shows as being found. hmmmm...... :?


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ya know, k3b is cursed! it's given me nothing but headaches since day one. more on that in a minute..........


see, that's what's confusing me. why are all of these burning programs fully functional as "root", but not as "chris"? that's why i was wondering about my permission settings. you can see in my post above that user "chris" has permissions for everything needed to burn cd's. but when i run any of those program as "chris", they tell me that i can't do certain things unless i run them as "root". and, i do have xcdroast set for "non-root mode" with chris added as a user & given all permissions. same for k3b. cdbakeoven doesn't have a user permissions setting that i could find. and now, to add insult to injury, when i ran k3b as "chris" this morning, it isn't recognizing my burner or cdrom..........AGAIN!!!! i've been through this headache before & i know what needs to be done to set up k3b (no supermount........ide-scsi emulation..........fstab settings.......etc.) funny thing is, i just used k3b as user "chris" to burn a cd 2 days ago. it recognized my burner & rom then. that's when i realized that i couldn't do disc at once. the only thing i can think that i did since last using k3b that might affect the settings was install texstar's cdbakeoven. i haven't tried using that to burn anything yet, 'cause that won't let "chris" do anything. why does burning a cd in Linux/MDK have to be so freakin' difficult?! :evil:


ok, enough ranting. i'm at work so i can't play with stuff now. aRTee, if you come up with any solutions or answers, i'm all ears. that goes for anybody else that cares to offer their thoughts, too.


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You're having a stroke of bad luck I guess..


Anyway, for cd burning, it may not be necessary to switch off supermount, unless you want Ixthusdan to help you out further.... :D lol

If it didn't help to switch it off, maybe that wasn't the problem, and I admit that in many cases it may be the problem, but I have never had issues with supermount myself (on 4 machines, 3 of which with a cdburner).

The ide-scsi is also already in your lilo/bootloader, so the only thing that you would have to do is rerun the install / config things as root.


I don't know cdbakeoven, but if that did something to your /etc/fstab it may well be the reason that k3b doesn't work anymore...

Check if it moved the old /etc/fstab to /etc/fstab~ or so, then see the differences and check if with the old one k3b works again.


Basically, try to fix things one program at a time, don't try 100 alternatives, and be patient (the right person may just not read your message that very same day). Then if adding another program creates problems, check the config files and see what changed. And ask here if you don't find the cause of the problem anymore..

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On my setup cdrdao shows up when going from options->configure k3b, so there is definitely something not good on your setup.


which cdrdao

tells you where it is, it should be:



so do a

ll /usr/bin/cdrdao


which in my case tells me:

-rws--x---    1 robert   cdwriter   539176 Oct 20  2002 /usr/bin/cdrdao*

robert being my username.

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still at work, so not at the MDK machine. but, i know from memory that cdrdao is in /usr/bin. i remember looking into that once & thought that maybe if i copied it to /usr/share, that it would make a difference. no go...... and, when i go through k3b setup, it always finds cdrdao, along with cdrecord, & mkisfos, & it always puts me in the cdrwriter group. see, that's what's driving me crazy & thinking that something is screwy in my permissions. like i said, k3b has been giving me convulsions since day one. when it's working like it should, it's the shit! but, when it's being bad :twisted::twisted::twisted: !!!! thanks for trying to help. i won't have time to play around with things tonight, but i will tomorrow. if you come up with any other ideas, please let me in on them. tomorrow, i will run k3b setup (for the millionth time........i can probably do that blindfolded while standing on my head & using my feet by now!) i'll post back the results i get after setup. :banghead: :banghead:


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not so much confused anymore..........instead, just downright p*ssed.......


had a bit of time last night before heading out. ran k3b setup. ran k3b as user "chris". all was well. not only were my drives being detected again, all the programs were too (cdrdao, cdrecord, mkisofs). ran it as root, & as chris, several times, to make sure. each time everything looked ducky. shut down computer, went on my way...........booted up this morning, was gonna post that the probelm seems to be fixed, but i opened k3b as "chris" first, to make sure. no drives detected.........no programs detected. opened it as root, everything was fine. checked my fstab file........nothing has changed. checked lilo.conf........nothing has changed.........made sure k3b didn't create it's own k3bfstab.......nope. checked users & permissions........nothing had changed. WHY does k3b detect everything & work fine as root, but not as chris? WHY???!!!!! it has to be something with permissions. that's the only thing that makes sense to me. if it was a file being in the wrong directory, a buggered fstab or other conf file (which it isn't), then k3b SHOULDN'T run correctly, no matter which user is running it. CORRECT??? again i'm at work.......again i will tinker with k3b tonight.......again i will post my results. then, if all is still not well, it's fire up Windows & use my trusty Nero. i shouldn't have to spend 6 hours to do something that should only take 10 minutes.......


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seems i'm not the only one that has run into this headache with k3b:




that's only one link of many about k3b problems like i'm going through doing a Google search. if you read the info at that link, does that seem logical? chmod k3b setup? chmod k3b? would chmod apply to cdrdao, cdrecord, mkisofs, etc? could it be that simple?


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Feeling with you chris z - followed your k3b problems. I don't know if this helps, but, here are my 'permissions' for the only user on my box, in fact its 'chris' (thats me), and k3b is doing very fine:


[chris@localhost chris]$ id

uid=501(chris) gid=501(chris) Gruppen=501(chris),80(cdwriter)

[chris@localhost chris]$ su


[root@localhost chris]# id

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) Gruppen=0(root)

[root@localhost chris]# ll /usr/bin/cdrdao

-rws--x--- 1 root cdwriter 539176 Okt 20 2002 /usr/bin/cdrdao*

[root@localhost chris]#


btw MDK 9.1, as it came from the cd, but the newer k3b version (0.9), but the original version worked ok too.


Is it possible that you are running into problems because you changed alot with your permissions? And the users and the groups? I would try to make a new user, innocent ;-), running k3b setup, add the new user ... restart the pc (yes, really, after k3b setup I had to restart) ... and look if it helps. It might be completely worthless, hm, what I am suggesting here.

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thanks for the info anna,

i'm still at work, so i can't do or try anything at the moment. i've cooled down a bit since this morning, so i'm gonna tackle the k3b beast again tonight. yeah, i've noticed that you must reboot :shock: for k3b settings to take effect, too. i didn't have time this morning to wait for a reboot, so i'm hoping that when i get home & boot up that things might be back to where they should. i'll be sure to post with what i come up with or run into, later this evening. did you check out that link i posted above? the person there had the very same k3b problem i'm having (with permissions) & chmod-ing seemed to correct things, so that's why i was asking about chmod.


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i'm stumped...........i'm broken........... :cry:


i've tried adding & subtracting permissions...........i uninstalled the MDK cd version of k3b8.1 & installed texstar's k3b9.0..........i've rebooted so many times that i can't remember..........i've followed all known procedures for k3b set up..........my fstab is still untouched..........i uninstalled texstar's version & reinstalled the MDK version.......reboot, reboot, reboot, reboot, ad naseum............i've checked xdroast to make sure permissions are correct there....they are..........i tried to do || /usr/bin/cdrdao as suggested........i get this message.........bash: syntax error near unexpected token `||'..........i don't know what else to do............now, when i try to run k3b, it starts to open, but i get no gui & then i get a KDE crash handler pop up telling me the program crashed...........i'm gonna try uninstalling & reinstalling one more time............if that don't work, i just don't know what else to do............makes me sad........very sad........


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i'm back to textstar's k3b9.0 version..........that's the only one that works now, albeit half heartedly..........i can run it as root in terminal........if i try to run it as chris, i get this message:


[chris@default chris]$ k3b

Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2

ERROR: (K3bDeviceManager) Could not find cdrecord. No proper device initialization possible.

ERROR: (K3bDeviceManager) Could not find cdrecord. No proper device initialization possible.

mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding


no idea what that means or why it's happening. when k3b loads, it tells me this in a pop up box:


Unable to find cdrecord executable

K3b uses cdrecord to actually write cds. Without cdrecord K3b won't be able to properly initialize the writing devices.

Solution: Install the cdrtools package which contains cdrecord.

Unable to find cdrdao executable

K3b uses cdrdao to actually write cds. Without cdrdao you won't be able to copy cds, write cue/bin images, write CD-TEXT, and write audio cds on-the-fly.

Solution: Install the cdrdao package.


i get this terminal error when i exit k3b........


mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding

WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) x08

Major opcode: *

WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) x08

Major opcode: *



i have cdrecord installed.......it's in /usr/bin/

i have cdrdao installed..........it's in /usr/bin/


fstab is still untouched.........gonna lay down now........coulda burned 20 cd's by now........any advice will be taken into consideration.......'cept drinking.........started that already..........'tis a shame, it is.......


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i'm either being shunned, nobody cares, or nobody has an answer.........no fear......


reran xcdroast to check things. it had changed to "root mode only" after last k3b9.0 install. also, i noticed, that after the k3b9.0 install, it removed my permissions for cdrdao, mkisofs, cdrecord, & cdwriter. why? i don't know. do all of texstar's cd burning rpm's automatically remove all user burning rights? anybody? i gave "chris" permissions for all of the pertinent cd burning programs, i rebooted one more time, ran k3b as "chris", & it's all good again. ran as "root", still good. ran as each several times to make sure i wasn't hallucinating, always good. rebooted a couple of more times to make sure.....still good. went to bed...... booted up this morning, ran k3b each way.......still good. so, 2 days after the fact, i can burn with k3b as user "chris" again. all i can think of is...........


1. texstar's cdbakeoven started this mess.

2. permissions (or lack there of) were the cause


i will leave things as they are now. i will not try any other cd burning programs for the time being. aRTee & anna, thanks again for trying to help.



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