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Mysterious network traffic [solved]


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Running Mandriva 2008.1; after a startup there is a quite a bit of network activity going on for no apparent reason. Netstat shows this:


user$ netstat -a --program --tcp
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State       PID/Program name
tcp        0     13          mirrors2.kernel.org:ftp     ESTABLISHED -
user$ netstat -a --program --tcp
tcp        0      0          mirrors2.kernel.org:56637   ESTABLISHED -
tcp        0     26          mirrors2.kernel.org:ftp     ESTABLISHED -
user$ netstat -a --program --tcp
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      6          mandril.creatis.insa-ly:ftp ESTABLISHED -
tcp     4200      0          mandril.creatis.insa-:32338 ESTABLISHED -


Is this some software update check going on in the background? Would anybody know what process is responsible for this? Can this be placed under user's control?


Edited by stv4rn0
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try to do the netstat as root so all process name will display


Didn't get much more info apart from indication it's the "wget" running the connection, but i didn't start it. I would be much more confortable if i knew what is going on there.

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Check the running processes, if you find urpmi.update running at the same time wget is running then this is the system checking for updates.


It must have been urmpi.update - i've just found its entries in /var/log/auth.log.

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