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KDE Login & GPG Passphrase Prompt

Phil Edwards

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I feel embarrassed at having to ask this, as it's something I should either know or at least be able to find out by myself...


I installed 2008.1 on my new laptop about 6 weeks ago. Last week, I realized that I hadn't copied my GPG keys over from my previous install. I retrieved the keys (I have 1 for personal use, 1 for work use) etc from my pre-upgrade backup and checked to make sure I could sign and encrypt plain text files with the keys.


Ever since then, whenever I log in to KDE, I get prompted for the passphrase for my personal GPG key. Where does this get launched from and how can I switch it off? I've trawled around in the startup scripts that I think are relevant, but I can't find anywhere that the prompt might be getting generated. :embarassed:

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When I installed 2008.1 I was getting a similar prompt asking for my SSH passphrase when I logged onto KDE and when I lauched Konsole. My resolution with some help from the alt.os.linux.mandriva newsgroup was to rename the ~/.keychain folder. I eventually deleted it after not encountering any issues with this resolution.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think that might be from a kde utility, kgpg. IIRC it comes in a package called kdeutils-kgpg. Check to see if that's installed. If it is uninstalling the kgpg package will put an end to those prompts. You can also configure kgpg to not start on login but if you're not going to use it, you may as well uninstall it.

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