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Looking for a good LAMP distro [solved]

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I need to configure one of these next week as a LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP) server. Usually I would just install Gentoo or Arch and set it up with the required packages from there. But I was wondering - are there any good dedicated LAMP distros that install with all of these packages set up out of the box? I need to get this thing set up with minimal effort and time.

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Easiest would probably be CentOS which has all the options to do it directly during installation, and then you can use config wizards to go from there. As it's CentOS and not Fedora, Ubuntu or another frequently updated distro, you won't have to worry about being inundated with updates.


I too would normally do Gentoo though, but CentOS is easier when you need to do something quickly. Or Red Hat Enterprise Linux if you want official system with support from Red Hat.

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Or there's a rather nice distribution that will install all this with no effort. I use it at work (LAMP + SMTP + NNTP + SMB) and I'm satisfied with it.

It's called "Mandriva". I don't have the link at hand right now but you should find it on google. Try it, I'm sure you'll like it :P



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Ubuntu Server LTS also gives a good LAMP distro. No GUIs by default (it's really meant to be a server and not an easy-to-use desktop) so it's really minimal and the only updates are mostly security related. I've set up a few company websites with it and it's up and running in no time at all.

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I don't think it's that difficult with any distro, honestly. I'd say just use whatever distro you're most familiar with in normal use, that'll likely work out easiest in the end.


I run my server (www.happyassassin.net) on Mandriva, of course. It was very easy to set up - I just used drakwizard - and I know crap all about running a webserver. It's never gone down through any fault of the OS (though it does go down when my network connection dies. Or the power goes out. Or my router mysteriously goes to sleep for the weekend. Y'know, the usual.)

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Thanks for the suggestions. Let me give an example, perhaps: it is easy to set up a firewall / router box with any distro, but there are dedicated distros like Smoothwall designed for the purpose. Because they are dedicated to doing one thing they tend to do it well and have handy tools built for the job. That's what I'm looking for - a dedicated LAMP distribution that does the job well - and nothing else, necessarily.


But, failing that, I'm thinking Ubuntu server would be a good way to go. It has good community support and security from what I can tell. The reason I usually use Gentoo for servers is because of the over-active forums where I can usually solve something in no time. But I think Ubuntu would be the same, if not better.


I appreciate the suggestions! Keep 'em coming :) I'm not inclined to use Mandriva as a server, but that's just my personal preference.

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Well, I can't resist taking the cheap shot: if we're talking security, Mandriva didn't have Ubuntu's leeeeetle problem with openssl key generation. For, y'know, two years. ;)

Good point! Debian really mucked that one up.

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Well, I can't resist taking the cheap shot: if we're talking security, Mandriva didn't have Ubuntu's leeeeetle problem with openssl key generation. For, y'know, two years. ;)


Still not perfect, I know my key was generated on debian and uploaded to a Mandriva server..... :P

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I decided on Ubuntu server (8.04LTS) in the end. Installation was painless. Used RAID 1 with two 250GB SATA drives. One RAID partition for swap and another for /


Ubuntu Server has a 'LAMP Server' install option. Makes set up a snap. Installed Apache 2 with all the trimmings. I then set up virtual hosts, pointed my IP at one of the hosts and tested it on the LAN. All working.


Imported MySQL tables into the new server, moved over files and all was OK, except permalinks. Enabled rewrites and it worked.


So I'm all done. Server goes into rack later this week :) Two thumbs up for Ubuntu Server Edition. Thanks to all for the recommendations.

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