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UT vs. UT2003


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The america's army thread reminded me to ask: Seeing as I'm attempting to write a firewall protocol for UT, does UT2003 use the same ports? I wasn't even aware they'd come out with a newer engine; I just figured UT2003 came with more levels or something. Also - is the install the same procedure? Can't be - Loki's dead...

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install is the same procedure. ACCEPT: the linux installer is on the 3rd CD of the UT2003 retail cd set. no hunting to download it somewhere...it's right there on the CDs.


Loki may be dead, but as you can see from the AA install, the Loki Installer is alive and kicking.


as for the ports...no clue, but I would think they are the same...

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Guest JaseP

One thing to keep in mind is that you had ought to update your Unreal installations, as there is a security hole in them, a serious one (creating vulnerability to DoS attacks, if I remember right). Also, I remember hearing that UT2003 had some fixes that improved its compatibility with installations running different libraries than the installer on the disk expected to find. Since I don't own/run UT2003, I can't really comment on that though.

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