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'Stopping NFS statd: failed'


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Yes. If you aren't using NFS (as in you aren't mounting partitions from other *nix machines on yours over the network) then one of the services, portmapper, is not needed. If you or your PC/firewall realized that having portmapper running is a security risk when you aren't using NFS and so turned it off, you'd get this message. I now get this since I killed portmapper. You would also get it if you have something that stops the NFS service itself while the PC's on instead of just not starting it in the first place. If you aren't using NFS to mount remote partitions, don't worry about this message!



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Thanks. I can just confirm your answer is right. I had a look through the services a while back and remember that portmapper was one of the ones i decided to stop. Now, removing the NFS-utilities from the system as i dont need it at the moment, made the error message vanish as well.

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No prob! That's what this place is for.


Just a note: If you went into the windows control panel, opened up the services in Computer Management or whatever, and stopped a service; windows' friendly "Shutting Down..." dialogbox would never tell you squat. Then someday something would crash and you'd NEVER know why it happened. This is why we love linux. Nothing is hidden. Hence "Open"! 8)

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