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MCNLive - no harddisks shown!

Guest tiorba

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I just have discovered and installed MCN Live Toronto on my computer. It works quite well - but there is only one problem, which I couldn't resolve with my little Linux knowledge.


Starting the system with the live-Cd MCN finds all other harddisks (hda1,5+6/hdb1,5+6 with Windows). After having installed it on harddisk it only recognizes its own linux-partition (hdb7+8), but not the other partitions. I have had a look into the fstab-file and in fact there are no other partitions. Then I changed the fstab as root, adding the other hda and hdb infos by hand - but MCN still didn't accept or show the other partitions. Next I've copied the fstab-file from the live-installation (which shows all partitions), and integrated it into the harddisk installation, but MCN didn't accept it either :wall: .


Does anyone has an idea how I could convince MCN to get contact to the other partitions? Thanks in advance...




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Hi Mindwave,


thanks for your suggestion. I've forgotten to mention that the Windows Partitions are FAT32 formatted - and not NTFS. I tried to install ntfs-3g and ntfs-config anyway - but of course without success...


Is there an equivalent installation for FAT-partitions? Does anyone know something about?






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WOW that is strange.


are they mounted in the control panel? again, my failing memory, but I believe that once you install MCNL to the hard drive you need to mount your drives to the system through the control panel.


I always give my slight variations of a normal name. Like my 2 320's are mounted at /mnt/var2 and mnt/var3


that way I dont have to worry about PERMENENTLY integrating them with the system, AND I can UNMOUNT them when i want to run a re master.


if you DONT unmount them, your remaster will fail.


try mounting them through the MCC and let us know if that works.



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Thanks again for your suggestions....I tried your and some other solutions, but there is still no access to the win-partitions, though they are shown as existant by Harddrake. But no way to mount them....


Meanwhile I'm fed up spending a lot of hours in searching a solution. But I keep MCN anyway - even with this problem. Probably I'll try again to resolve it a bit later.

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Hi tiorba,


I have a similar situation with my own setup. MCNL, while running in live mode, will mount all disks (although ntfs disks/partitions are mounted read only), but once installed to hard disk will only mount its own disks/partitions. If you wish to mount any other disks or partitions, you have to do it manually using the "mount" command from a terminal window. If your windows disk is /dev/hdb1 and formatted FAT32 you could try:

mount -t fat /dev/hdb1 /mnt

You should then be able to access your windows disk by typing "cd /mnt" from the command line, or by double-clicking on the "Devices" icon on your desktop and open your disk from there and selecting the folder "/mnt".


Regards, Phydeaux.

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I don't know exactly why but I have access to the win partition which I have written in the fstab-file and which I have mounted as root a couple of days ago. Actually I havn't enough time to see what happened, but I'll try to find it out later.



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