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things that do and things that don't


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well if you've seen any of my past posts you know that one of my objectives was to create a system that i could use as a live DVD and a restore dvd all in one swoop.


the idea being that when (not if) I blow the system up i just pop in the dvd, reboot, reinstall to HD and away we go.


for 2007.1 this has worked AMAZINGly well.


the OTHER idea, was that when i upgraded my hardware (which i do about once a year or so, i could just pop the dvd into the new pc and reinstall to the HD and away we go.


well this weekend I went from an intel duo core 3.4GHZ system to and AMD x2 5.6GHZ system with a gigabit lan and a PCI-E 256MB vid card plus 4GB of ram.


bought a new 500gb hd, slapped it in, put my dvd in, that I had JUST created on my old system,booted up created a 60GB "/" partition and ran the HD install script.


Everything went well (if not a little faster!) went to reboot, and got a kernel panic stop.


So I started over, tried again, no go.


It APPEARS to me anyway, that the HW differences between my old intel duo core setup, and my new AMD setup if FAR to different to support a proper HD install.


So I did my minimal 2007.1 install (still DF’s to 3.2 GB) and will start to rebuild from my own process (http://www.thehess.org/Rollyourown1.html)


This may be self evident to a lot of folks, I just think that ots interesting that the live DVD works and runs AMAZINGLY quick, but that I couldn’t use THAT to do a HD install.


Oh well something else for the informationals.



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