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LiveCD Creation


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Well, I dont want to get anybody hopes up tooo high just yet, but i have been toying with the mklivecd scripts in an effort to modify them for 2008.0. the problem is as yet i do not know enough of how the scripts work exactly to modify them sucessfully. i have already mentioned to mindwave that after the first of the year, i will likely tackle this task with all that i have. i need to learn the language and then figure out what changes have been made to the 2008 boot code to see if i cannot figure out what exactly is missing from the scripts.


i am a n00b, and at this exact moment in time do not expect too much from me. although i would like to be the one to make the 2008 script, i can only hope that someone with more knowledge than myself will beat me to it.


i have started a new channel at irc.freenode.net, #MCNLive for anybody who is interested to 'chat', seek help, or discuss just about anything. i do not have the time to spend 24/7 there so unless some more people visit, its likely to be empty alot.



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You will find that mindwave has also looked at rewriting the scripts! Unfortunately, he has rather a lot of outside commitments and probably wont have the time.


I would love to be able to rewrite scripts. Wouldn't know where to begin.


I wish you luck with that :thumbs:


I will have a look at your chat link as well.



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Hi guys, thought I'd have another say on this issue. I've pleased to report that I've had some measure of success with my project, although not in the manner I had envisaged. My project required setting up an Apache web service on the live-cd, however, I have found (through trying various methods) that I can't get the web server to serve images, style or interpret javascript, so in the end, I gave up on this method and used XAMPP for Linux instead (as used in distro's such as Lamppix and Slampp) and this solved my problem.


As for the methods I used - I tried with the MCNL Toronto release and, using this as a basis, I was able to build my live-cd with everything working properly (with the exception of Apache), but, since this release doesn't include most of the software that I needed, I decided to use the Spring release of Mandriva One 2007.1 (since this includes all the necessary office software that I needed) and followed the instructions that bookie and mindwave worked out and was able to build a working live-cd. However, I still had the same problems with Apache.


I even tried using Mandriva 2008 for this project, but found a number of problems with this approach (more work needs to be done here, I think ;) ). The biggest problem in using 2008 as a basis is that the "insmod" program (which checks and loads the kernel modules) is actually called "insmod" while in the 2007.1 (and MCNL) releases it is called "insmod-25" (for some unknown reason). To get around this I created a symbolic link to "insmod-25". this got around the major problem and actually built the iso, but it didn't boot properly.


When I've finished the particular project that I am currently working on, I might have another look at 2008 and see what I can do.


Regards, Phydeaux.

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as my new job doesnt allow me the pleasure or the time needed to research all of the issues surrounding making live cd's, i must admit that with the most basic of instructions that bookie and mindwave have whipped up as well as the almost identical instructions left by chris:b will not produce a working bootable cd/dvd for me. i suspect it is because i am not running KDE but rather i am using gnome. i get errors upon running mklivecd script both from within my running install and from the toronto cd. upon creating the ISO and burning it, all the iso's even if i run the script again and again without making any changes or without rebooting, are all different sizes. only by a few kb's but still different, i burned the largest of the ISO's to disk and it booted but was unable to start X, perhaps its an issue with gdm vs. kdm.


i did a little comparisson to the broken mklivecd and the known good mklivecd scripts last nite and i must say, WOW.. there is a ton of difference between the two.. namely in the modules sections, thats only one of the parts to the mklivecd coarse.


after the first of the year i will have more time to devote to such things.. hopefully i can do some good. like Phydeaux i too have looked at the 2008 ONE cd, these are obviously created in much the same manner as MCNL but they do not retain any of the scripts. i was kinda hoping that adamW would be able to aquire these scripts or at the very least ask some questions as an insider (adamW is a mandriva employee). i have not yet contacted adamw concerning this matter.



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