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Creating MCNLive cd


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Well, Greg2 this whole exercise is becoming very, very tedious. Do I understand? I think it is more a question of not many people have a grasp of the English language on this forum!!


I DO NOT WANT TO CREATE A LIVE CD OF /me1 or /annamar I just want to store my images on one of those partitions - which were - I would like to point out - created when I installed Mandriva Powerpack+


Perhaps you'd like to tell me that sdb1 / isn't a mount point as it doesn't have /mnt/ before it?!! Why don't you just say that Mandriva don't know how to mount partitions at all?


Sdb1 is my root partition as you all well know and it is that one that Mandriva is installed on. AND it is that one I would like to create a live cd of.


Have I made myself understood?!!


I have the patience of a Saint, always grateful for any advice I receive, but today I am beginning to wish I hadn't bothered..


I don't usually loose my patience. Well, a bit of news for you I am on the way to being ------ ---!!





(Without prejudice)

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Well, Greg2 this whole exercise is becoming very, very tedious. Do I understand? I think it is more a question of not many people have a grasp of the English language on this forum!!
I have the patience of a Saint, always grateful for any advice I receive, but today I am beginning to wish I hadn't bothered..
Well, I'm already sorry that I've wasted your time... and more importantly, my time.


If your attitude ever changes and you really want to understand Linux, let us know.



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Well, as you will here from your personal message - I am very sorry for losing my cool. I understood what you were saying, but couldn't see the relevance at the time. The following is an updated fstab just to show I can admit when I am wrong and learn from it. So I guess this an apology to you and chris:b for being a pain in the ----!

I am not going to use my next few words as an excuse more of I am becoming more aware that my back problems are affecting my usually calm personality.

root@ROCKY bookie]# df

Filsystem Storlek Anvnt Tillg Anv% Monterat på

/dev/sdb1 49G 3,7G 42G 8% /

/dev/sda1 49G 34G 16G 68% /mnt/win_c

/dev/sda6 160G 35G 126G 22% /mnt/win_e

/dev/sdb6 154G 189M 146G 1% /mnt/annamar

/dev/sdb7 23G 173M 22G 1% /mnt/me1

/dev/sda5 25G 128K 25G 1% /mnt/windows

[root@ROCKY bookie]# cat /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb1 / ext2 defaults 1 1

/dev/sdb6 /mnt/annamar ext3 defaults 1 2

/dev/hda /mnt/cdrom auto umask=0,users,iocharset=utf8,noauto,ro,exec 0 0

none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=ext2:vfat,--,umask=0,iocharset=utf8,sync 0 0

/dev/sdb7 /mnt/me1 ext3 defaults 1 2

/dev/sda1 /mnt/win_c ntfs umask=0,nls=utf8,ro 0 0

/dev/sda6 /mnt/win_e ntfs umask=0,nls=utf8,ro 0 0

/dev/sda5 /mnt/windows vfat defaults 0 0

none /proc proc defaults 0 0

/dev/sdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0

[root@ROCKY bookie]#



Once again sorry guys and girls.



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Well, I have been working quite a lot with mindwave. He has changed things a little. I unmounted all the drives apart from / and ran mklivecd --verbose 082607.iso. It ran to 46 % and then stopped.


I have tried rechecking the files from MCNLivecd, then cleaned up old mklivecd files and did a new run. But for some reason it hangs at the exact same place. The following is a out put of that run with a df reading of my hard drive - showing that I hadonly the one mounted and that there was plenty of space.



========================== [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00:24:23]

========================== [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00:24:23]

========================== [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00:24:23] [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00:24:23]

========================== [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00:24:23]

========================== [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00:24:23]

========================== [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00:24:23]

========================== [ 35.58% 00:08:40/00========================== 71867/155468 46%mksquashfs: file //usr/share/apps/rosegarden/fonts/feta/10/accidentals-( <-- HERE .xpm, uncompressed size 424 bytes

$/ at /usr/sbin/mklivecd line 288, <CMP> line 55780.

[root@ROCKY bookie]# df

Filsystem Storlek Anvnt Tillg Anv% Monterat på

/dev/sdb1 49G 3,7G 42G 9% /

[root@ROCKY bookie]#


The 3.7 is just after the run. It was 2.9GB before.


I am at a loss to understand what could have gone wrong. Mindwave was wondering about the files from MCNLive Toronto, size of the file, and how many partitions I had mounted. All of which , seem OK?


I am open to suggestions.



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Hi chris:b, yes I appreciate what you are saying. Just been talking to mindwave about that very same thing. I am going to reduce the size of my image by getting rid of unwanted language packages and such like. Talking to mindwave about getting rid of rose garden. Haven't had time to see what rose garden is about though.


Regarding ram. Hadn't really considered that. I have 1024mb of ram at the mo. I have been thinking about upgrading to 2GB - perhaps this is the right time to think about that.


I was looking along the lines of a dvd instead of a cd.




Edited by bookie
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Hi again, as you know I have been working with mindwave on creating a MCNLivecd. I was trying to use my own powerpack version which hasn't worked out how I would have liked. I appreciate that the idea of MCNLivecd was the standard spring version. What I don't understand is why I can't make a livecd from the powerpack version. It is after all based on the same product and the same kernel?


I have created many livecd versions - nearly all of which, I have been able to boot and work from BUT not install. I use the right draklive-install version. I run /usr/sbin/draklive-install. I get the install gui, I create a partition and formate it, but it is as far as I can get. The installer hangs after "computing total size". The install has Aray written at the top with some numbers and that is where it stays.


I haven't a clue what it can be that is causing the problem? I found MCNLivecd a usful tool if you do something stupid and cause kernel panic. One has to only boot from Toronto and move the files that one would have possibly lost otherwise.



I don't see any other use for MCNLivecd at the moment. Not trying to put chris:b down. I think she has done a brilliant job. I am just a little down because I can't utilize it for powerpack.




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MCNLive is not a tool to create a live cd from a fresh normal Mandriva installation. I do not advise this.


MCNLive IS a livecd. And with the possibility to remaster it. That's all.


I don't see any other use for MCNLivecd at the moment


It is for people who want to use it as a Live CD.

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