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Can't connect with PPPoE

Peter Chatterton

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Can't connect with PPPoE


-- IBM Pentium 3 NetVista Type 6578-G9U

-- SpeedStream 5200 ADSL modem

Connected to one of two NICs using a good (on Windows) E'net cable.

The modem is platform independant according to


-- Ethernet cards:

EtherExpress PRO(100) card is Linux compatible according to


Realtek RTL-8129 seems to be Linux compatible but I don't

know about drivers.

-- Mandriva 2006 on a Cheapbytes DVD


I'm trying to connect to Bell Sympatico in Toronto but I'm a newbie

to Linux and networking (I am a programmer tho).



says I need PPPoE which they supply. daniewicz suggested seeing if

it was available in my distro so I tried rpmdrake thru the Control

Center (mcc) and got these packages:

-- rp-pppoe-3.5-5mdk

-- libpcrp0-0.9.1-1mdk

-- ppp-2.4.3-9mdk


But it doesn't even try to connect (no led activity on the NICs or

the modem). Is there a program I should be running to set it up?

I can't find any start up info on the roaring penguin site.


Here's some ifconfig info the way I got it off the mcc Manage

Connections dialog:

<BR>adsl(ppp0)<BR>	IP<BR>		DHCP<BR>		No IP@<BR>		No mask<BR>		DNS Servers: & .5<BR>	DHCP<BR>		dhclient<BR>		Assign host name from DHCP @<BR>		DHCP host name: sysmpatico.ca<BR>		DHCP timeout: 5<BR>		Get DNS servers from DHCP<BR>	Options<BR>		Start at boot<BR>		Metric: 20<BR>	Info<BR>		module name:<BR>		Mac @: ppp0<BR>		Bus:<BR>		Bus Loc:<BR>eth0	(Intel EtherExpress Pro/100)<BR>	TCP<BR>		No protocol<BR>		No IP @<BR>		DNS Servers: as before<BR>	DHCP<BR>		blanked out<BR>	Options<BR>		Start at boot<BR>		Metric: 10<BR>	Info<BR>		Desc: Intel EtherExpress Pro/100<BR>		Media Class: NETWORK_ETHERNET<BR>		Module Name: eepro100<BR>		Mac @: 00:02:55:8a:69:1d<BR>		Bus/Loc: PCI/1<BR>eth1<BR>	TCP<BR>		see eth0<BR>	DHCP<BR>		see eth0<BR>	Options<BR>		see eth0<BR>	Info<BR>		Vendor: Realtek<BR>		Desc: RTL-8129<BR>		Media Class: NETWORK_ETHERNET<BR>		Module Name: 8139too<BR>		Mac @: 00:...:00		(changed)<BR>		Bus/Loc: PCI/1		  (why the same?)<BR>

Hope you can help,


Edited by Peter Chatterton
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	No IP@
	No mask
	DNS Servers: & .5
	Assign host name from DHCP @
	DHCP host name: sysmpatico.ca
	DHCP timeout: 5
	Get DNS servers from DHCP
	Start at boot
	Metric: 20
	module name:
	Mac @: ppp0
	Bus Loc:
eth0	(Intel EtherExpress Pro/100)
	No protocol
	No IP @
	DNS Servers: as before
	blanked out
	Start at boot
	Metric: 10
	Desc: Intel EtherExpress Pro/100
	Module Name: eepro100
	Mac @: 00:02:55:8a:69:1d
	Bus/Loc: PCI/1
	see eth0
	see eth0
	see eth0
	Vendor: Realtek
	Desc: RTL-8129
	Module Name: 8139too
	Mac @: 00:...:00		(changed)
	Bus/Loc: PCI/1		  (why the same?)

I added this with Fast Reply, the way i did in the first thread,

in the hope that the format will be fixed.

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If I recall correctly, you have set up urpmi for software installation?


Perhaps there was an error during this setup.


If I go to a main repository for Mandriva 2006: ftp://carroll.cac.psu.edu/pub/linux/distr...i586/media/main


I see:

File: rp-pppoe-3.5-5mdk.i586.rpm 91 KB 09/12/2005 12:00:00 AM

File: rp-pppoe-gui-3.5-5mdk.i586.rpm 65 KB 09/12/2005 12:00:00 AM

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I used the default mcc Software Packages Installation and

when it was running it showed the title: rpmdrake.


Do you think i'd be okay using i586 on a Pentium 3?


At the same level as i586 there's one called SRPMS which

has one of the packages i installed. but i can't find SRPMS

in google, what does it mean?


I was looking for a Power Pack version of 'driva '07 but

couldn't find one so i guess i'm stuck w/o a ref. manual.

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