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Can't shutdown Mandriva 2007 x86_64 [solved]

Gul Dukat

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I've just installed Mandriva 2007 x86_64 PowerPack on one of my computers at home. No problems with the installation however. But when trying to Shut Down Mandriva 2007 x86_64, all I seem to get is 1 option. Th eonly option that I'm getting is End Current Session. To bypass this problem, I enter the command shtudown in a terminal and excecute it as root. Is it missing a certain package or did I forget something?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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It's just for a test-setup.



Run MCC/boot and enable that option. I think it can also be done via kmenu/admin.

I'm sorry for that, but I don't see any option here to Shut Down. I just see 3 options:

- Enable autologin and select the user to automatically log in

- Set up how the system boots

- Select the graphical theme of the system while booting

But none of the three, seem to have an option to add the option of Shut Down when I Log Out.

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Shutting down is not enabled by default with security settings higher than "normal".

On my system (which isn't Mandriva) changing this can be done via kcontrol/system administration/login manager/shutdown.

You can also change permissions of the shutdown command ( in Mandriva it must be /sbin/halt ) to be executable by anyone.

Or, if the former looks like a security risk to you, you can create a new group named "shutdown", add to that group all users you wish, and then change permissions of the file /sbin/halt to root/shutdown.

You can also do any of the above for the reboot command ( /sbin/reboot ).

Edited by scarecrow
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I had this problem as well when I installed the x86_64 version. Upgrading to KDE 3.5.6 solved the problem, but you're also probably better off just installing the i586 version instead of the 64bit. I had too many problems with the 64bit to count.

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