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Advisories MDKSA-2006:137: Updated libtiff packages fix multiple vulnerabilities


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Tavis Ormandy, Google Security Team, discovered several vulnerabilites

the libtiff image processing library:


Several buffer overflows have been discovered, including a stack

buffer overflow via TIFFFetchShortPair() in tif_dirread.c, which is

used to read two unsigned shorts from the input file. While a bounds

check is performed via CheckDirCount(), no action is taken on the

result allowing a pathological tdir_count to read an arbitrary number

of unsigned shorts onto a stack buffer. (CVE-2006-3459)


A heap overflow vulnerability was discovered in the jpeg decoder,

where TIFFScanLineSize() is documented to return the size in bytes

that a subsequent call to TIFFReadScanline() would write, however the

encoded jpeg stream may disagree with these results and overrun the

buffer with more data than expected. (CVE-2006-3460)


Another heap overflow exists in the PixarLog decoder where a run

length encoded data stream may specify a stride that is not an exact

multiple of the number of samples. The result is that on the final

decode operation the destination buffer is overrun, potentially

allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2006-3461)


The NeXT RLE decoder was also vulnerable to a heap overflow

vulnerability, where no bounds checking was performed on the result of

certain RLE decoding operations. This was solved by ensuring the

number of pixels written did not exceed the size of the scanline

buffer already prepared. (CVE-2006-3462)


An infinite loop was discovered in EstimateStripByteCounts(), where a

16bit unsigned short was used to iterate over a 32bit unsigned value,

should the unsigned int (td_nstrips) have exceeded USHORT_MAX, the

loop would never terminate and continue forever. (CVE-2006-3463)


Multiple unchecked arithmetic operations were uncovered, including a

number of the range checking operations deisgned to ensure the offsets

specified in tiff directories are legitimate. These can be caused to

wrap for extreme values, bypassing sanity checks. Additionally, a

number of codepaths were uncovered where assertions did not hold true,

resulting in the client application calling abort(). (CVE-2006-3464)


A flaw was also uncovered in libtiffs custom tag support, as

documented here http://www.libtiff.org/v3.6.0.html. While well formed

tiff files must have correctly ordered directories, libtiff attempts

to support broken images that do not. However in certain

circumstances, creating anonymous fields prior to merging field

information from codec information can result in recognised fields

with unexpected values. This state results in abnormal behaviour,

crashes, or potentially arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2006-3465)


The updated packages have been patched to correct these issues.

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