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I am having a problem with my wireless card. It is an ipw2200, and I read the other posts about the firmware and I installed it, but I still cannot access the internet.


I have a dual boot windows and mandriva, and I also have problem connecting with windows.

I wonder if the problem is my wireless card or the wireless system. The system is a netgear.


Anybody have any ideas.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest wintermute

Since It is not a mandriva nor linux related problem, but a hardware issue, I suggest to search for an answer on dedicated hadrware forums. However, I can make some assumptions like : did you try to connect using a standard ethernet connection ? Do you have microwave sources in your room like microwave oven, or are you near a gsm relay antennae ? Those are likely to disrupt wifi signals. You may also check for encryption keys and protocols used in both the wifi pc-card and the wifi router. Different Manufacturers often means different protocols, so you have to tell your equipments what common protocol to use, and set the same encryption key with matching lentgh for both.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am having a problem with my wireless card. It is an ipw2200, and I read the other posts about the firmware and I installed it, but I still cannot access the internet.


I have a dual boot windows and mandriva, and I also have problem connecting with windows.

I wonder if the problem is my wireless card or the wireless system. The system is a netgear.


Anybody have any ideas.


If you unzipped the firmware into /lib/hotplug/firmware . . .


As an aside; It's absolutely critical that you get the right firmware for your driver . . .


Did you create a directory in "/etc" called "firmware"?? You should have it (/etc/firmware).

You then have to create a soft link to "/lib/hotplug/firmware" (which is where your firmware should be);

As Root, issue this command in the terminal

ln -s /lib/hotplug/firmware /etc/firmware


Next, open "Configure Your Computer", go to "Set up a new network interface" and you should see a list with "eth2: Intel Corp.|Intel® Pro Wireless . . ."

Select this item from the list and click next, you should be able to accept default values.


Next, go to "Reconfigure a network interface", you should see a page called "Manage connections" with a dropdown box at the top.

For each item in the dropdown box (including the wireless), go to the "Options" tab and make sure that the "start at boot" option is unchecked.

When you get to the wireless item in the dropdown box, do the same and also go to the "Wireless" tab and make sure the field "ESSID" is blank.

When you are finished with all the items in the dropdown box click "Ok".


Next go to the "Security" section and "Set up a personal firewall . . .", make sure none of the boxes on the first screen are checked and follow through to the third screen where there is a dropdown box at the bottom of the screen. In this dropdown box, select the wireless interface (possibly, "eth2") and follow through with the rest of the options.

You should be able to reboot and select a network from the net applet in the system tray, you'll have to type in you're Root password to connect.


Best of luck to you and enjoy!

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