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USB Mice Stop Working

Guest andytof47

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Guest andytof47

ok :afro: i am new to linux, so please dum dum terms all the way baby,


i have 3 different mice that continue to randomly drop out after about 2 - 20 minutes of use......i plug it back in, and it's fine for another 2 - 20 mins......and then eventually at some point it stops working altogether, so i reboot and the whole thing starts ovvvver


i really want to keep mandriva 2005 le , but how caaaaaaaaaan i learn it without a mouse.......



:help: a :afro: who :wall: when he should be :cheesy:





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Welcome. :beer:


As a guess I would say that for some reason the mouses are timing out and turning themselves off due to inactivity (or if wireless they are low on battery power).


open a terminal and when the mouse fails type


and have a look at the end of the output. If it is the systme turning off the mouse you should get some explanation there.


Do you have any issues with other usb devices?



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Guest andytof47

well actually at a guess i would say it is affecting the whole of my usb,when using a usb k/b it seems to stop working too. but i haven't used anything else so i will make it go down and then check :thanks: no really :thanks:


n e way back to :wall: for now

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Guest andytof47

O BTW FYI :lol2:


It's actually only when i am using the mouse that it bombs out, it can sit there for ages without a problem - which would be useful if i only needed it to turn off the screen saver.......... :jester:

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It is only an idea but since you are using a usb mouse, have you checked in the bios to see whether the usb mouse support has be enabled or disabled. What ever it is try changing it to the alternative and see if that solves it.


Cheers. John.


now a milestone 1111 and 5 pengis, not certain about the Guru bit though. :b-balloon::r-balloon::g-balloon:

Edited by AussieJohn
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