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About login [solved]


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When I install 2006 beta4 I choose few users with pictures nothing happens what was going wrong?

I restart my computer I have to retype my username and password,what is going on another bug?

Just I click on Spell Check it is not coming up,please could anyone explain me how can fix it?.


Thanx Mandriva-user

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Did you do the install as an upgrade or as a clean install. If you did the upgrade method then I suggest you do a reinstall but this time do it as a clean install and make certain that you create a separate partition for /home so that in the event of doing any installs in the future you will not lose your settings or mail and so on.


Restarting your computer and being asked to type in user name is perfectly normal and if you have not selected a password free login then you would need to type in a password.

If you chose to not use a password then all you need to do is just press enter after typing in your user name. It's not that hard and is one of the reasons that Linux is potentially much more secure than Windows if you follow Linux recommendations.


Cheers. John.

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When I install a new Mandriva version I install new and formated my partion to.

On mandrakelinux 9.1, I could but four username and password.

I give four username with image and restarted,what I see is only Username and a password no image. How can I fix that I can see only username Password and no image.Do I do anything wrong?.

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Do you mean the login box? It just shows a box for the username and a box for the password?


And what you want is to have the interface that shows a picture and the login name to choose from a list, and then just enter the password?

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Hello mandrivausr.

I know what you are after. You are setting things up in ------------->System --->Login Manager and selecting Icon images/pictures to represent each different user account. You are not seeing them in the Login screen. This is because of a senseless default setting that prevents that kdm login screen from showing.


Open Konsole and type in ... kdesu konqueror then click Enter. It will ask for your root password so type that in then click Enter again. This will open Konqueror in root mode so you do not have to login to root to be able to modify a particular file. You can close konsole now since you no longer need it.


When Konqueror opens then go to /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc.

kdmrc is a file so click on it and it should open in Kwrite, scroll down to near the bottom and look for a line that looks like :- UseTheme=true

Delete the word true and type in false instead. Save the change and when you reboot you will see the proper kdm login format.


Please let me know if this helps.


Cheers. John.

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Hello mandrivausr.

I know what you are after.

Yes I`m after that ,well my english is not so good, thank you for your patient and in future please have patient with me.

Thank you to solve the problem.


Cheers Mike :thanks:

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