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access denied with an external USB hard drive

Guest dasch

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I'm working on this problem since one week now and this is driving me crazy :/


So, I've finally decided to cry for help Wink


Here is the problem:


I have an USB external drive of 250 Gb. There are 2 NTFS partitions on it. When I plug the USB in, Mandriva (2005 LE) recognizes it and automount it automatically Smile.


However when I try to access it (as a regular user) it says : permission denied. But I can access it without any problem when I'm root.


Here is the content of my /etc/fstab (generated automatically by Mandriva):




/dev/sdb1 /mnt/removable ntfs pamconsole,exec,noauto,utf8,iocharset=iso8859-1,managed 0 0

/dev/sdb2 /mnt/removable1 ntfs pamconsole,exec,noauto,utf8,iocharset=iso8859-1,managed 0 0




I know that I normally should modify the /etc/fstab file to allow regular users to access the drive (adding 'user' on the preceding lines). However that won't work (as a matter of fact I tried several times Sad) because this file is modified automatically by Mandriva.


Here are the many things I tried without any luck Sad


1. adding the 'user' param to the file /etc/fstab and then "freeze" it so that no one can modify it (using "chattr +i /etc/fstab" when being root).

That didn't work because at the next reboot, Mandriva don't automount the drive then. And as a side effect, I couldn't use my other usb keys when I did that.


2. changing the parameters of the drive using HardDrake. This one work temporarily but again at the next reboot Mandriva don't seem to remember the parameters and I have to do that each time.


3. I tried several other things (to long to mention it) and always without any success.


So, any help would be GREATLY accepted as I'm feeling a little depressed right now :'(


Thanks in advance,


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