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minimal linux?

Guest chessdeviant

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Guest chessdeviant

I am looking to install a minimal linux distro on a pentium 1, 16 meg ram and with a floppy no cdrom. I just want something to write scripts on, maybe add a few packages too. Just wanting anybodys thoughts.

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I can't say it is impossible but a very basic Debian install without X on my laptop took about 200MB...


The most famous Linux distribution on floppy is Tom's Root Boot:



But it is not extensible. Apart from that, a quick Google gave me this:




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I'd second Debian. You can install just the basics need for a command-line and then everything up from there, which, even though I'm using KDE and a GUI and all that I did so I could avoid unnecessary packages.

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I'd second Debian. You can install just the basics need for a command-line and then everything up from there, which, even though I'm using KDE and a GUI and all that I did so I could avoid unnecessary packages.


If you want really minimal, there's a few projects aiming at ultra minimal as in mini live cds. I havent actually installed some of these but they usually come with the docs and apt-get kinda tools to install a bare bones system and add on to it. The biggest and best Ive seen of the minis is Slax at about 200 mb. DSL (looks nice) and Puppy (strange but flexible) are under 100 and both are live/installs. You might wanna check out some sites. Theres another odd one called Sams which is small and its pure mandriva....

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Guest chessdeviant

I think I'll try the debian(as they have a floppy start download.). But I did some more looking around and was wondering, what if any experience any one had with these mini distos?


Tty Linux

Tiny Linux

Basic Linux


Grey Cat Linux





It seems most are not active (It looks like ttylinux is and that tiny linux has a new project administrator)

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Got the Basic up and running off, what is it, two floppies? It worked. Didn't take it too far its so minimal...Floppix is also pretty easy to burn a couple floppies and boot. Havent gone far with them or the mini cds but some have set up debian based OS's on their box with nothing more than DSL (Damn Small Linux). There are a couple of posts around here somewhere. Theres a way to boot most any distro from a floppy image if you cant boot off CD tho....

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Guest chessdeviant

I'll search around some more then, the tiny linux looks kinda interesting but 14 floppies and it hasn't been updated in a while!!!. I'll look on the Debian forum see what it has as far as floppy start install..

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Guest chessdeviant

I don't have a cdrom on the computer, I haven't found anything about a floppy start on DSL. But I was looking at slackware and I'm looking into more information in to a floppy start download.

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Guest chessdeviant

No go with the Debian you need 2 floppy drives in order to download anything. I have found some other interesting things like blueflops and PicoBSD. I haven't gotten around to messing with the Pico yet, but the blueflops for being just 2 floppies has alot there.

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