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Impress, Powerpoint and Acess


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How does OpenOffice's Imprss compare with Microsoft Powerpoint.


Am building a website and want to write about this but I don't use either Impress of Powerpoint, but i have read that Impress is the weakest part of OpenOffice.


Second, what is the Linux equivalent for Microsoft Acess (I don't use this either).

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Guest starbane

The only thing that Impress lacks in comparison with Powerpoint, really, is the lack of a diverse media gallery.


Staroffice Impress of course, doesn't suffer that lack.


So if you count that as a feature, that's it.


I've made presentations and web sites (essentially HTML presentations) in Impress, and I didn't notice a signifigant difference from Powerpoint.


However, I also think presentation software is highly overrated, in general. :)


Oh, and as for Access....


GODBCConfig + OpenOffice + Datamanager+MySQL/Postgresql.


It even has a form wizard.

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