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Help - can't load in mandrake

Guest cycstep

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Guest cycstep

Help... sorry I am a newbie to linux...

Yesterday I was trying to set up a network between my mandrake 10.1 community version and my windowsxp using samba. But it didn't work because it said that my network name is duplicated (localhost) so I changed /etc/hosts to " linuxbox localhost" and I restarted my machine. But after I restarted my machine, it told me that the computer has no permission to access the sound mixer. Then I read something on linuxforum that to type this command in "chmod 777 /dev/dsp" and restart... so I did that but my nightmare begins here. After i restarted my machine, it told to to log in (but i never have to do that before) so i did but after that the screen flashed and go back to the login screen again as if nothing has happen. How can I log in my mandrake mahcine again????

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Well the simplest thing would be to change what you did back to what they were. The chmodding gets reset when you reboot so don'y worry about that. If you got stuck in the terminal, log in as root by typing: root <enter> and your password <enter>. Then type: vi /etc/hosts. Type: i for insert and remove the linuxbox text.. Hit escape (to leave the insert mode) and type: :x.


To setup samba read the howto in the faqs.

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Isn't there an option for configuring a network under MCC?

Since you stated you're a linux newbie, MCC would definitely be the best way to go.

I don't do networking or ICS so I wouldn't know about manually configuring samba.

Edited by Lärs
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You ought to use MCC and the Networking routine there. For some reason when installing Mandriva it does not ask for a host name. You can set it up through MCC though. Also during the install in the last section (summary or whatever it's called) you can configure the network and get your host name in. Mandriva ought to ask for a host name, but doesn't.

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the problem is i still can't log in my linux

everyone's definition of logging on to a linux box is different


i think this guy's X won't start and it's a newbies nightmare ...no GUI


i quote:

After i restarted my machine, it told to to log in (but i never have to do that before) so i did but after that the screen flashed and go back to the login screen again as if nothing has happen.


after you type in the username and password and seem to get right back to the login prompt

type : mcc


access hardware settings and see whats up with your monitor and screen resolution.

perhaps during some of this you may have changed resolution ?

if it's not X starting

another thing i've run into is password aging how long have you had this linux box running ?

Edited by ddmcse
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