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Built my first kernel (2.6.11-12mdkcustom)

Guest alphaomega

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Guest alphaomega

Greetings...I built my first kernel using Mandriva LE 2005 kernel source for

(I hope that is phrased correctly) and I can boot with the new kernel just fine barring

anything and everything I don't know as a noobie.


This is what I did:

I installed the kernel source and then ran the following commands.

make mrproper

make xconfig

(for my first go at it...I left all the settings alone and went with

whatever the default setting was)


(I did not see any errors...just some warnings mainly having to do

with using something deprecated)

make modules_install

make install


The new kernel was installed in /boot and lilo was updated.

I booted using the new kernel and I am up and running.


And on the first try! Cool!


Now I just need to go through things (learn a little more)

so I can make a kernel more in tune with my actual hardware.


My only question at this point is this:

Is there a step I am missing in the steps above?


The kernel modules that were created are not zipped like the

ones from the original install of Mandriva LE 2005.


The modules from the original install are zipped with an

extension .gz like (sg.ko.gz) while the ones that were created

in my steps above are not zipped (sg.ko).


Thanks in advance for any tips...



Moved to "Kernel" by theYinYeti, moderator.

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The gzipping in unimportant. You don't have missed a step. The only thing wrong with your approach is that you have build the exact same kernel as you got with Mandriva. You haven't gained anything (well perhaps knowledge :) )


Tip: the kernel configs in /boot you can open and load in xconfig.

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Guest alphaomega

I never did find a particular option for this

(getting the generated modules automatically gzipped).


But this appears to have worked for me:


cd /lib/modules/<kernelversion>

su [password]

gzip -r ./kernel

depmod -a



Everything appears to be working a okay...

So now I can get back to learning linux.


We now return to our regularly scheduled program.


Thanks and Cheers

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Here is my easy guide to recompiling your kernel.


( I have recently found out how to do this!)


install kernel source

cd /usr/src/linux-version

make oldconfig

make xconfig

-- select CPU - Athlon-xp, etc

make clean

make all --- wait about 25-30 mins

make modules_install install


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