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Problem burning music CDs

Guest dbezona

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Guest dbezona

So, I have been trying to make some audio mix cds from MP3 files.


I have tried with a couple of the GUI burning tools (eroaster, kb3, etc.), as well as simply doing it via command line using either cdrecord or cdrdao.


I get about the same result regardless - I get a disk that:

1) Won't play in a regular stereo

2) WILL play via XMMS, but has an extra "track" at the beginning.


So, something is getting mangled with the TOC - I can't for the life of me figure out the deal.


I am getting no error messages, and have tried a bunch of different settings (write speed, etc.) with no results.


My burner is using the ide-scsi

The CD-RW model is:

HL-DT-ST Model: CD-RW GCE-8160B Rev 1.02, which is on the compatibilty list for both cdrecord and cdrdao.


Any ideas?

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I use CDRECORD to burn music. Here is what I do. Try it and tell me if it works for you


Transform mp3 to .wav files:


1) Put all your mp3 in the same directory.

2) Open XMMS and press CTRL-L. Browse to the directory of stage 1

3) Right-clic the XMMS panel and choose OPTION and PREFERENCE. In the E/S AUDIO tab, select the LIBDISK_WRITER.SO output plugin. Clic the CONFIGUR button and browse to where you want to put the wav files. Put them in a directory containing only those files. Something like /home/your_user/wav

4) Press PLAY and wait for the wav files to be created. Don't worry if you don't hear anything during that process... this is normal


Burn the wav files


1) Open a console and browse to the directory containing the wav files

2) cdrecord -v -eject -audio -pad speed=32 dev=0,2,0 *.wav


* type 'cdrecord --scanbus' to know on which device (dev=0,2,0) is your burner

** if you don't see the LIBDISK_WRITER.SO plugin in xmms you'll have to install it first. Type 'urpmi xmms-diskwriter' in a console as root and restart xmms. The option will be there now.


Hope that work for you.



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Guest dbezona

Thanks for the reply.


That's pretty much exactly how I did it - made the *.wav files, did cdrecord with the options you indicated.


No error messages, music on the disc, but the TOC info seems to be written goofy - extra "track" at the beginning, which is blank. Makes a regular CD player (which handles CD-Rs fine otherwise) reject the disc.


No extra files in the directory or anything to throw it off. Just very odd...

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If I do the exact same steps that I explained above, I can read the cd in all the cd player I have at home as well as in my car. Never try to read it from xmms though. Did you do the -pad option ?



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Guest dbezona

Hmmm...no luck.

I tried it again, recreating your steps exactly, with the same result - in the track listing in XMMS, track 1 is "Unknown/AudioCD", which it just skips over when playing the disk, and the rest show as "CD Audio Track x" -



It won't play in any CD player.


So some sort of extra something is being written to the disk that CD players just don't like.

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Guest dbezona

Oh my god - you will not believe this one.

Firstly - thank for your help. Turns out, nothing was wrong except a confluence of two events that turned out to be red herrings:


1) I was used to seeing the first line in the track listing in XMMS having the name of the disk with regular CDs- didn't notice it was showing it as a track. So the "dummy first track" was red herring #1


2) The CD player in my office is dead. An 12 year old pioneer 5 disk changer. Just realized in trying to track this all down that NOTHING plays in it. One of those "worked last week, assume it works now" things. It's dead, kaput. Red Herring #2.


So I get off my lazy butt, go into the garage, and pop the CD I just burned into my car stereo - viola, it plays just fine! So, I have a stack of what I thought were coasters, and turn out to actually be about 10 copies of the same disk. *Doh!*


Anyway, sorry for troubling you all :oops:

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