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Guest IceMan320

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Guest IceMan320

Well when I boot up mandrake 10.1 I get past everything and I am not geting a graphial screen. It is just black with all the white text. Then I get to where it says login name I put that in and then my login password. Then this is the part I dont get what to do, it says [myname@localhost myname]$ what am I suppose to put after the dollar sign and why am I not seeing a graphical interface.??? :help:

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enter startx. i'm not sure why you aren't getting into gui when you boot up. after startx you should be into your gui. if that does work go to mandrake control center and the boot section and in boot options choose graphical startup. if startx does not work you then have some graphic card problems and you should post some details about your set up.

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Guest IceMan320

Its a e-machine t2245



Intergrated graphics and sound.


O by the way I never thoughta bout this til just now. Am I suppose to have like a graphical installion screen. Because mine is like black and blue and sorta old looking. I dont know if that has anything to do with anything just wondering.


Also when excatly am I suppose to type in startx. When its asking for my login name?? Or what. Total noob at this stuff thats why I come to the professionals


And if start x doesnt work how do I go to the control panel

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You can log into the system and then type su and suppy root password, then type mcc, and configure the display through here if it's been done incorrectly.


startx has to be typed after you have logged into the system. It won't work from the login prompt.

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