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GUI does not appear and error message [solved]


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Guest anon

After it boots, login with your user name and password then type:


Post the error messages if that doesn't work. If it does work then go to the boot menu in MCC and see if the "start gui at boot" has become unchecked.

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Thanks for your reply

this error message appears when startx command is given:


warning:symbol map for key (AB08)redefined

using last definition for conflicting fields


( similar message for AB09,AB10,BKSL,LCTL and SPCE )


Errors from Xkb comp are not fatal to the X server.

fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'

X10:fatal 10 error 104 (connection reset by peer) on Xserver "0.0" after 0 requests ( 0 known processed) with 0 events remaining


Plz tell me what to do

thanks in advance

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I think your video driver has been corrupted and you will have to reinstall it.

You may have other funny little surprises to come.


This could have been the result of a quick power interruption, one which was not long enough to shut down your computer but long enough to cause problems.


That is why I have used a UPS since the first day I started with computers. I regard it as a fundamental piece of my computer and NOT as a nice optional device.


Reinstalling the video driver should get you through and it is not hard to do.


Cheers. John.

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