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mouse as UPS LE 2005


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I have installed LE 2005 and am having mouse problems.


I use a genius graphics tablet with a mouse and pen (usb connection) but when I start up I just get the mouse pointer which cannot be moved (it worked fine straight after the install). I checked the xorg.conf file and pointed it to the correct device and it seemed to work however when I reboot I get exactly the same problem (if I quit X and restart it with startx without touching anything it works fine)


I looked in Harddrake which tells me that the graphics tablet and a connected joypad (usb) are UPS devices and will not accept that they are not.


I have installed all updates but the problem persists, any ideas?

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Adamw thanks for that, I saw something about a bug but was not sure what it was.


Mousedrake does not recognise the device at all, I tried various types (generic, ps/2, usb) the only thing that seems to work is shutting down X and restarting. I am wondering whether there is something happening at start up that means that the driver is not being loaded in time?



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Well, I have a Wacom graphics tablet, and have had various problems with it. What I can tell you is that if it worked at any point durring or after the installation, it 'is' possible to make it work.


With the wacom tablet (I know yours is different, but this is the help I can offer) there is a conflict between the module that the tablet uses and the usbmouse module.


A place to start would be to google and find out what kernel module your tablet uses. Then unload that module, and usbmouse, and reload your module. If that helps we can move on from there. If not, well, I dont' know.

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Veedub, I think I saw something about this on this board when I originally searched for a solution and so I put usbmouse in my blacklist file. Sorry I forgot to mention this.



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leo: could you post the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? First what's in there immediately after you boot and it's _not_ working, and then what's in there once you restart X and it _is_ working (hopefully the two will be different).

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OK, I have found that I do not need to shutdown X completely to get the mouse to work, I can just start a new x session

$ startx -- :1

and this seems to kick the mouse into action, when I return to the original session it continues to work.


adamw: the attached is my Xorg.0.log file from after the second session, the only difference between it and the original (when the mouse is not working) is the last two lines edited highlights of the file are: as follows

**) |-->Input Device "Mouse2"
(==) |-->Input Device "<default pointer>"
(WW) The core pointer device wasn't specified explicitly in the layout.
Using the default mouse configuration.


(II) LoadModule: "usbhid"
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module usbhid
(II) UnloadModule: "usbhid"
(EE) Failed to load module "usbhid" (module does not exist, 0)
(II) LoadModule: "mouse"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
(II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 6.8.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.4


(EE) No Input driver matching `usbhid'
(WW) <default pointer>: No Device specified, looking for one...
(II) <default pointer>: Setting Device option to "/dev/mouse"
(--) <default pointer>: Device: "/dev/mouse"
(==) <default pointer>: Protocol: "Auto"
(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) <default pointer>: Core Pointer
(==) <default pointer>: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
(==) <default pointer>: Buttons: 3
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "<default pointer>" (type: MOUSE)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard1" (type: KEYBOARD)
(--) <default pointer>: PnP-detected protocol: "ExplorerPS/2"
(II) <default pointer>: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded

[this is the end of the first log file the next two lines get added when the second session is started]

(II) Open APM successful
(II) <default pointer>: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded


I have attached the entire log file in case I have missed anything that may be useful


the usbhid module seems to be the one that makes the graphics tablet work so I added it into my xorg.conf file in the devices section for the graphics tablet but as you can see X seems unable to load it (could this be because it is already loaded?)





edit: OK so the board didn't let me attach the file, if you need it let me know and I will post it.

Edited by Leo
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I do remember back when I used my mouse in usb mode that I used to have problems which I seem to remember I solved by a setting in the bios. I think it was something like USB Mouse support (default was <disabled>.) Changed it to enabled and had no problems thereafter.

Maybe that is your solution.


Cheers. John

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Yeah, this is an odd one.


usbhid is a _kernel_ module, X deals with _X_ modules. This is a distinction it is easy to miss. If the tablet's working, don't worry about messing with its configuration.


I also would suggest checking the BIOS. Google is giving me a few similar problems which were resolved with the BIOS setting John mentioned.

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You also might poke around and see if there's a better way to use that tablet than with the generic HID driver. If not, you might consider getting yourself a Wacom tablet. They are pretty well supported. MAnrake has never set them up perfectly on it's own, but they are ususaly not too bad to configure and once they're working, they work with full functionality including pressure sensativity and the ability for the computer to tell what kind of tool you're using on it, which is very useful for the gimp.

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OK, a few comments to catch up on...


AussieJohn: Thanks, I hadn't thought of bios settings. I checked the bios and there were two usb type settings one enabled already and the other for a usb keyboard (disabled) I made sure both were enabled (just to be sure) but still get the same problem, there was no settng for a usb mouse that I could see


adamw: yes I kind of figured this out yesterday after you asked me for the log file and I was trying to work out why it could not load usbhid, I found the X modules but could not see anything suitable (I tried the wacom module just in case :D ). You are right though, maybe I should leave it alone if it works and concentrate on why it doesn't work first time. Maybe I will google this again and see if anything crops up that points me in the right direction.


VeeDubb: If I had the cash (or even the credit :D ) I would probably go out and get another make but it's not really an option.


What is really puzzling me is that it works fine in 10.1 (and slackware) without any messing also that it worked fine from the initial install (could harddrake running at boot because I forgot to turn it off for the first boot, have caused something to change?).


Thank you all for your help so far (I'm a stubborn bastard so won't let this lie until it works).



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OK, I'm trying a slightly different tack with this now, since it seems to work without being mentioned in the xorg.conf file.


If I try cat /dev/hiddev1 (when the mouse is not working) there is no output from either moving or clicking the mouse, however once I start a new X session (or attempt an abortive X session) then cat /dev/hiddev1 starts showing output in response to the mouse moving.


Could it be that either udev or hotplug are not working as they ought to (i.e. the device is not being started correctly at initila boot and is only being recognised when X is restarted).


Any ideas?





edit: I checked my usb.usermap file and it did not contain the graphics tablet so I added it with usbhid as the module to load. I restarted hotplug and the mouse started to work (although still not at initial boot :wall: ). Would it be reasonable to assume that the tablet is not being seen by hotplug at boot (for some reason as yet unknown?) could udev help with this or should udev run after hotplug?


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OK, still not working right.


I tried a new install to see if I could get it working that way and again it worked fine off the first boot and then never again.


I noticed in the messages sent at the first boot that it failed near the start on usb subsystem (or something like that) and then subsequent boots this works...


Any ideas?



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