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Upgrading KDE 3.2 to 3.4


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If you have sound problems because of the new MDK 10.2 (2.6.11. kernel), you can still install the new KDE on 10.1

I did, but it was harder than on 10.2 (lot of updating/dependencies needed)


p.s. As you see I'm running my 10.2 on an older kernel, but that's because of some VMware issues (3rd party software), not hardware problems. Maybe you can run your 10.2 with an older or a different kernel too. Just download/install it through urpmi and see how it goes. Don't remove your default kernel. If anything goes wrong, you can boot it from Lilo

Edited by solarian
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My little problem with kweather now seems to be solved. Instead of just uninstalling and reinstalling kdetoys-kweather, I installed kdetoys and kdetoys-kweather together.

This seemed to work. But strangely, after I again uninstalled kdetoys and left kdetoys-kweather now on its own, it still continues to work AOK and this after 3 different reboots for other reasons not to do with linux.

So I think I can say that my minor problem is solved.


Cheers. John.

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Excellent :D


I'm now fully back up and running with 10.1 OE and no KDE 3.4, although I do like what I saw, and would like to upgrade sometime in the near future!


I just need to figure out ensuring a stable upgrade without any probs!!! And reading the KDE website is way over my head at the minute!


I think I have a lot of reading to do.......... :P

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Actually there is no need to read the KDE website. The problems you encountered with KDM are easely fixed, the problem with logout is because of KDM not fixed.

Your sound problems are likely not related to KDE. You can always use an older (not much though) kernel.

btw- What sound card do you have? Search the forums or make a thread about your problem.

I think then we could help you or at least notify Mandriva of the bug.


cheers and good luck!

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It's on my laptop, a built-in Intel one, ALSA show as intel 8x0. It works normally just not after the kernel upgrade to 2.6.11

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Chances are that the new kernel can be edited a bit in options to support your internal sc,

or (as said) another option is to use a different kernel on 10.2.

Or maybe there is something wrong with the new Mandriva and you don't have to mess with the kernel and instead fix something in Mandriva configs.


Really, make a seperate thread on your sound issue in the hardware section of this forum :)

There you'll usually find faster and better support than Mandrakesoft offers.


(of course that was not the case with my bizzare partition problem, where nobody knew what to make of it *rollseyes*)

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I've not tried the new version yet, but I guess I'll probably have to at some point soon. I'm still on the "Mandrake" version before they changed their name.


I have another thread on kernel going at the moment, so can see if that sheds any light, and I might start a sound thread too later on.

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Hello ianw1974.

I think the KDM problem has been fixed in thacs latest kde3.4 updates.


As I said in my earlier post, " Once I was able to find my way back in to Mandriva and downloaded all of thacs Kde3.4 updates, I have been able to reboot and login with no problems at all, and I mean none". I did not modify files or anything like that. It wasn't necessary.


I would recommend doing the 3.4 upgrade but doing it a section at a time.

I would select kdebase first and when you select it , it will show a long list of dependencies so click OK to that and just install that group first. Then do more groups as you want.

I don't think you should have any trouble now.


Cheers. John.

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Were they changed/updated in the last few days then?


I think I did my KDE upgrade attempt on Weds, rebuild Thurs with all updates applied and then XOrg upgrade today (I did try from the source and compiling but it failed partially and I then ended up downloading Thacs rpms anyhow!).


So now I'm at the stage of MDK 10.1 OE with updated kernel of and XOrg 6.8.2.

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I've noticed that Mandrake/iva in general is quite a bad OS for compiling stuff from source.

Don't ask me why, I don't know. Maybe they haven't signed a pact with good compiling luck demons.

But since there are plenty of rpms, I don't mind that much.

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I thought I would try it just to learn a bit more, and feel like I contributed more to my installation! Sad to say it wasn't that great.


It would work fine, in the sense that if you didn't set the OS to autoload XOrg. If you logged in at CLI and then ran startx, it was fine. When you shut it down however, you had a real bizarre yellow border around the edges of the screen about 2 cm wide. But it worked. When you set it to autoload at boot, then you couldn't log in because you couldn't type in the login box! But you could shut it down OK, etc.


In the end failsafe, and a urpmi to thac and it installed some stuff, overwriting of course and away we go again without a rebuild which is great.


KDE 3.4 I think I will leave for the time being, cos after two days of downloading updates and XOrg etc, I just want to enjoy myself relaxing that it works, than attempting updates and failing with it :P


Either that or I really need to get a faster link, 128kbps is OK for download, but something else would be much better when rebuilding!

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Sorry mate can't help you.


My system is a 10.1 which I have upgraded to 10.2 (2005) from net downloads ( not a clean install) and further upgraded from kde3.3 to kde3.4 (thacs latest) and have not had a hassle of anything not working properly since apart from the Kweather which was fixed by a redownloading and reinstall of it.

I too have done the Xorg upgrade 15 mins ago and all is still AOK.


And since I do not know how to tweak anything, every package is stock standard so I can't see that the problems stem from Mandriva2005 or kde3.4 from thac.


I don't have problems compiling programs into Mandrake/Mandriva. Any problems have mostly to do with dependencys and that is not the fault of Mandrake/Mandriva. It is the responsibility of the compiler to take care of the dependencys. Tracking down those required packages can be a real pain in the b*m, but again that is not the fault of Mandrake/Mandriva.


I think there is a possibility you may be getting corrupted downloads somehow. Even a DSL line can have line noise problems the same as a dial up line can.


You might do better to get the stamped cdrom set for Mandriva 2005LE rather than use net download.


I wish you luck anyhow, but don't give up on kde3.4 either.


Cheers. John.

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solarian: it usually works OK for me, though you have to install about fifteen thousand -devel RPMs the first few times you compile stuff. I think the problem here is more to do with the fact that we customise the whole graphical subsystem quite a lot from stock, so you can't necessarily just compile a stock x.org, plug it into MDV and expect it to work - even though it _did_ compile properly, so that's not where the issue lies.

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  • 3 weeks later...

AussieJohn, just to let you know, I didn't give up on KDE 3.4!!!!!


I've just spent today downloading again, because I was adamant that I would make it work this time!


Well, I started at 9am, and finished at, well now! 7.22pm. My system is up and running with KDE 3.4 and error free! Well almost, I have one on bootup, but gonna post that separate.


OK, so what did I do?


System is MDK 10.1 OE.


1. Install XOrg 6.8.2 from Thac's rpms.

2. Install kdebase and all it's dependencies (all the rest from Thac's rpm's).

3. urpmi --auto-select --auto to pick up everything else out-of-date. There was an error trying to get kdewebdev because of a prob with quanta-kommander (see later point).

4. urpmi quanta-kommander.

5. urpmi kdewebdev (solves the prob in point 3!).

6. updatedb and checked for rpmnew's (if any, replace their corresponding file). I used "slocate rpmnew" to find them (thanks for that one adam!).

7. Removed .kde directory in my home directory - I think it would cause problems otherwise, so best to start with a new profile!

8. Init 3 to a prompt.

9. urpme mdkkdm (made a list of the dependencies to reinstall later).

10. urpme kdebase-kdm (it wasn't there, but just in case it might be).

11. urpmi mdkkdm (and it's dependencies).

12. urpmi all the other stuff that was removed with point 9.


Now I can login at the GUI with the mdkkdm screen, which I couldn't do before. The only thing now is that I have the kernel source for 2.6.11-6 and I'm running kernel 2.6.8-24, so I'm going to have to update the kernel next I think!


So now I'm working and running with KDE 3.4. Thank you Thac for the KDE rpm's! Oh, and the XOrg too :P

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I notice that you are using Mandriva 10.1 in the upgrade to KDE3.4

I am using Mandriva2005-LE. I have not tried the Mandriva 10.1 because I have no wish to go back.

I do not see the added benefits of KDE3.4 as worthwhile enough to do this.

It would also seem that most of the troubles encountered are with the Mandriva2005-Le and KDE3.4 combination.


Even though I like to experiment a little, I have had enough of 3.4 problems and will wait until official Mandriva KDE3.4 for 2005 or 2006 to come out.


Cheers. John.

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