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Configuring a printer.


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Third day of using Linux Mandrake 10.0, and now looking to configure a printer. Having a few problems.


The way I'm trying to configure is as follows:


System/Configure/Configure Your Desktop/Printers.


When it's loading in the printers, that were configured by default, it comes up with the following error message:


Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from manager:


Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. Error: connection refused.


I ran Configure Your Hardware, and found that CUPS wasn't installed. It is now, so I've got around the error, but I'm having problems trying to see the shared printer attached to the Windows XP machine. How do I get to see it?


I can ping the machine by IP and name, and I did a search using the SMB for Windows printing, and it found the workgroup and machine, but cannot find the printer attached.



Edited by ianw1974
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I just typed it all in, and it went through the config OK, but now when I print (or test print), nothing came off the printer.


Then I decided to add a username and password instead of using guest, and I can now do test prints, but I can't print in Firefox or anything else.

Edited by ianw1974
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The firewall is disabled, I think it was the guest account that stopped, but now only test prints come off. I can't print in apps like Firefox.

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Actually it's just Firefox that seems not to be printing. I just used KWrite, and that printed OK. How would I get Firefox to print?

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One day I won't skim-read...


OK, you need to set up the printers in the Mandrake control centre, not the KDE control centre as you have been doing. These are easily confused and has to be one of the biggest newbie-design problems of Mandrake! They are respectively known as "configure your computer" and "configure your desktop". The way to tell them apart is that you need to enter the root password to get the Mandrake control centre but not to get the KDE one.


OK, so do alt-F2 and enter "mcc". Then enter your root password when prompted. Go to "hardware" then "printers". This should then be straightforward. Famous last words, I know. Get back if its not!



Edited by Dustpuppy
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I found that all the other apps are OK. I then found that the command for printing in Firefox just said lpr, and apparently (I did a quick search for Firefox as it was just this affected), and it was suggested putting lpr -cups.


I then printed and it came out OK. All the other apps are fine at the moment. Is this common when apps are installed, that you need to alter this? Or will they pick it up automatically?

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Me too! Many thanks for your help, I'll bear in mind the MCC for the future, as I was a bit confused as to why there were a few options to choose from :-)

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