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Partition table error


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My laptop running Mandrake 10.1 crashed a couple times, so I had to shut down the system with the on/off button. I think that action messed up my system now.

When i try to upgrade my Mandrake 10.1 (reboot with systemcd 1) It says:

I try to translate into english...

Installation startloader (opstartlader in dutch) failed. Error in:


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Last week, my Mandrake crashed, so i had to shut down the comp with on/off button. Since that moment, my laptop keeps crashing in bot windows XP as in Mandrake.

I tried to upgrade mandrake with the 3 installation cd's, and got this error:

Error in:


After a while, I was able to upgrade it, but still got the same problem.

I formatted my Linux partition, and installed mandrake again, but still same problem.


When I did a chkdsk in windows (dos),

I got this print out:

C:\Documents and Settings\Kristof Jacobs>chkdsk.exe

Het type bestandssysteem is FAT32.

Volume ACER gemaakt op 5-6-2003 16:44

Het volumenummer is 2629-16F0

Controleren van bestanden en mappen...

Windows heeft fouten op de schijf gevonden, maar zal de

fouten niet herstellen omdat de schijfcontrole werd uitgevoerd

zonder de parameter /F (fix).

\Documents and Settings\Kristof Jacobs\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles


Het eerste cluster is ongeldig.

De vermelding wordt afgebroken.

De bestanden en mappen zijn gecontroleerd.

Verloren ketens omzetten in bestanden (J/N)? j

16 kB in 1 herstelbare bestanden.

Er zijn problemen met het bestandssysteem vastgesteld.

Voer CHKDSK uit met de optie /F (fix) om deze problemen te herstellen.

  28.710.128 kB totale schijfruimte.

    1.348.256 kB in 693 verborgen bestanden.

      40.752 kB in 2.496 mappen.

  18.365.808 kB in 39.365 bestanden.

    8.955.264 kB beschikbaar.


      16.384 bytes per cluster

    1.794.383 clusters in totaal op schijf

      559.704 clusters beschikbaar op schijf


C:\Documents and Settings\Kristof Jacobs>

sorry, it's in dutch, but it says something like:

windows found errors, but you didn't use chkdsk /F (to fix the errors)

\Documents and Settings\Kristof Jacobs\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles


the first cluster is not valuable.

Problem is that I can't use chkdsk /F


Now I downloaded Fedora Core 3 because people say it's more stable, but I first have to fix my hard disk.

Do you think that formatting my whole harddisk will fix the problem? So not only the partition?

Can someone please tell me how to fix this problem? I have no floppy disk reader, so progs like hard disk doctor or whatever are from no use.

Maybe there is a good linux prog to fix this?

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How can I do a hard format?

Is it possible to do it without deleting the partitions?

I mean, it's no problem when my data is gone, but it is a problem when the partitions are gone. I know how to create new partitions, but I have a laptop, and the recoverydisk only works when I don't delete partitions.


Can Partition Magic do a hard format?

Edited by Totovich
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How can I do a hard format?

Is it possible to do it without deleting the partitions?

I mean, it's no problem when my data is gone, but it is a problem when the partitions are gone. I know how to create new partitions, but I have a laptop, and the recoverydisk only works when I don't delete partitions.


Can Partition Magic do a hard format?


What kind of filesystem did you have on your root ( / ) partition? reiserfs? ext3?

It might be useful to use rescue mode (boot cd1 and at the prormpt type 'rescue'), mount your partitions under /mnt and run a fschk.reiserfs or fschk.ext as appropriate to try fixing problems.

It worked for me, a couple of time.



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What kind of filesystem did you have on your root ( / ) partition? reiserfs? ext3?


Where can I see this?


I just deleted al my partitions, made new ones, and now installed winXP.

I will install Mandrake as soon I know the problem is fixed.

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What kind of filesystem did you have on your root ( / ) partition? reiserfs? ext3?


Where can I see this?


I just deleted al my partitions, made new ones, and now installed winXP.

I will install Mandrake as soon I know the problem is fixed.


Well you should have known, in the first place. When you installed Mandrake you had to partition the disk, creat filesystems and install packages.

You can do a 'cat /etc/fstab' to take a look at your mounted partition and see what filesystem resides on them.

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