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XMMS not working (solved)


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it might be an icompatable video plugin, possibly audio. check in the preferences & try changing video plugins. also, check audio. if that doesn't work, run xmms from a terminal & post any error message output here, please.



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it might be an icompatable video plugin, possibly audio. check in the preferences & try changing video plugins. also, check audio. if that doesn't work, run xmms from a terminal & post any error message output here, please.



yep the default install for some reason always does that with me.

I change the audio plug-in from the default to I think alsa then it works?

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Hey, I just had this same issue also. It was also fixed by changing the audio output.


Why is that? What's wrong with the default audio thing-a-ma-bob?


EDIT: I forgot to mention that XMMS worked just fine when run from a terminal session. But would simply quit when called by double clicking on an MP3 file in Konquerer.

Edited by Roman
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