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Help Guys!


I am running Mandrake 9.1. I was running on an HP Vectra box with one 160 gig HD, single Pent III 550 meg processor, 128 meg of ram..


I purchased a new server. It is an HP DL140. Dual Xeon 2.4 gig proccessor. 2 gig of ram. One 80 gig HD. I removed the 80 gig HD, moved it to the slave position, installed the 160 gig in the master position. The new server will boot to the secure- vanilla - failsafe screen for mandrake. Now matter which one I select it locks up with loading........ on the screen.



Thanks guys this is me WWW and DNS box I need it bad!!




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Before you do anything, verify a few things (if you haven't yet)


Look at the BIOS screen on boot up. Do you see the master/slave configuration you are expecting?


If you boot off the Mandrake Install CD, do a customized partitioning option (where you make all the decisions), look at the configuration it shows you. Write it down (e.g. \ is HDA and is of file system X). Then reboot off the CD in rescue mode and view your /etc/lilo.conf file and /etc/fstab file and confirm that the info matches what you wrote down.


If all of this is correct, re-install lilo. Matter of fact, you might want to skip to this step first and reinstall lilo first to see if it resolves your problem.


If none of this works, you may want to try backing up your important files and re-installing Mandrake. Think of it as a time to re-evaluate your partitioning scheme, what software you installed, so on..

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i almost guess his problems are also caused due to the completely new hardware. i think it needs a complete reconfiguring and reinstalling might be the faster way... :unsure:

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Do you see the master/slave configuration you are expecting? 


If you boot off the Mandrake Install CD, do a customized partitioning option (where you make all the decisions), look at the configuration it shows you. Write it down (e.g. \ is HDA and is of file system X). Then reboot off the CD in rescue mode and view your /etc/lilo.conf file and /etc/fstab file and confirm that the info matches what you wrote down. 


If all of this is correct, re-install lilo. Matter of fact, you might want to skip to this step first and reinstall lilo first to see if it resolves your problem. 


If none of this works, you may want to try backing up your important files and re-installing Mandrake. Think of it as a time to re-evaluate your partitioning scheme, what software you installed, so on.. 



Booted into BIOS master/slave seems fine.

Booted off the rescue disk found a floppy mount in fstab - removed it. Reinstalled lilo.conf. Still hangs on the loading failsafe....... screen.


In rescue mode it says something about changing memory. Do I need to change the memory here from 128m to 2000m?


Not thrilled about reinstalling as I am sure you can guess.




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Now I am completely confused. I moved 160 gig HD back to the old box so I can at least have the WWW back. I moved the 80 gig HD to the master and installed a fresh copy of mandrake and it also hangs on the boot. I think it is something in BIOS. Seems to work fine with cd-rom as boot. I can load a copy of Knoppix just fine.


It does not list Mandrake as supported Linux on HP site. It does list all flavors of RedHat so I am assuming if RedHat will work so will Mandrake.


Any other ideas guys?




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I am not sure what the problem is. I have installed a fresh copy of Mandrake 10.1 on an identical server. It also locks up on the boot at the same place. Go figure huh!!


Could the server not be capable of running Mandrake? Do I really have to go to Windows?


I can get Knoppix to work just fin. Not much good to me but it does work.


Any help? Any?




Edited by KellyK
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when i told you about the bios, i was referring to the enable/disable dma option that some bioses have. take a look and try with dma enabled or disabled... depending on what you had so far.

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when i told you about the bios, i was referring to  the enable/disable dma option that some bioses have. take a look and try with dma enabled or disabled... depending on what you had so far.   





Thanks for replying,


I went into the BIOS and it has two items with DMA listed.


One says async DMA = multiword DMA-2.


The other says: Ultra DMA = Ultra DMA-5.


Neither appear to be changeable. Nothing I see allows me to enable or disable. I did see one that disabled HyperThreading technology. I disabled. It did not work but I get an CMOS error when I re-cold-boot the server. (it locks up I have to kill power to reboot)



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...I get an CMOS error when I re-cold-boot the server. (it locks up I have to kill power to reboot)     


a very bad sign... either bad hardware or your box got infected. i searched a bit on cmos errors and this one was most interesting:

CMOS checksum errors


Explanation: A checksum is computed as an error-detecting code, to protect the BIOS settings stored in the CMOS memory. Each time the system is booted this number is recomputed and checked against the stored value. If they do not match, an error message is generated to tell you that the CMOS memory contents may have been corrupted and therefore some settings may be wrong. BIOSes react in different ways to encountering this sort of error. Some will warn the user and then continue on with whatever settings were in the CMOS. Others will assume that the settings that were in the CMOS were corrupted and will load default values stored in the BIOS chip "for safety reasons". The error message will indicate which your system is doing.


Diagnosis: The most common cause of checksum errors in CMOS is a battery that is losing power. Viruses can also affect CMOS settings, and motherboard problems can also affect the stored values.


Recommendation: Follow the instructions in this section to address the CMOS corruption. You should make sure that all of the BIOS settings in the system are correct, by rebooting the system, going into BIOS setup and double-checking all the values (hopefully against a recent BIOS settings backup).

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...I get an CMOS error when I re-cold-boot the server. (it locks up I have to kill power to reboot)     


a very bad sign... either bad hardware or your box got infected. i searched a bit on cmos errors and this one was most interesting:


I should have mentioned after I go into the bios and reset the hyperthreading it is fine.


It happens to both servers.


The CMOS error is something I created by setting Hyperthreading off.



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I should have mentioned after I go into the bios and reset the hyperthreading it is fine.


It happens to both servers.


The CMOS error is something I created by setting Hyperthreading off.




pfffffffh..... :rolleyes:


now if there is nothing you can do about dma in your bios, i am a bit out of answers... maybe after sleeping over it, i get a new inspiration.

so long and good luck to you.


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