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Mouse Won't Work (Solved)

Guest glidetothehoop

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Guest glidetothehoop

I just tried to install Mandrakelunux 10.1 Official release last night and I'm having trouble with my USB Microsoft Intellimouse (wheel mouse) working.


Funny thing is that it works just fine during the installation (choosing install options and such). But when the system reboots for the firsttime after installation, then the mouse will not respond. It is lit up (you know how the optical mice lite up), but it won't respond. The following is what I have tried:


1. I reinstalled the same mouse with a USB to PS/2 style adpater connecting the mouse to a PS/2 port. Same result. Mouse doesn't work after rebooting following the install.


2. Tried attaching a true PS/2 style wheel mouse that came with another computer I have. I did not reinstall OS before attaching this mouse, I just rebooted with the new mouse attached thinking maybe the OS is really not liking any form of my USB Intellimouse (w/ or w/o the PS/2 adapter). When the new mouse was attached it would not respond at all either.


I don't undestand why the mouse worked during choosing the installation options and not after rebooting. I even saw each of the buttons working on the graphical mouse the screen during system configuration (both buttons and the wheel responded during the test).


I need someone to help me know how to solve this. I really want to be a Mandrakelinux user. From what I've read it really looks like a great version of linux.


Thanks in advance.

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mandrake still using the auto option for the mouse driver in ML-10.1? The same problem is on the board many times for ML-10. You have to specify the correct driver. In ML-10. mousedrake didn't work (usually in changing X's config file).

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Guest glidetothehoop
Open a consol as root (su) and type:


After you select your mouse, keep an eye on the consol for any errors reported there.

Would there be log of errors I should be looking for? Where would this log be located? What is it's name? I've been using the KDE interface.


Thank you.

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Guest glidetothehoop
mandrake still using the auto option for the mouse driver in ML-10.1? The same problem is on the board many times for ML-10. You have to specify the correct driver. In ML-10. mousedrake didn't work (usually in changing X's config file).

Where can I specify the exact driver? What should driver should I choose for my my Intellimouse wheel mouse?


Thank You.

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Guest glidetothehoop
Open a consol as root (su) and type:


After you select your mouse, keep an eye on the consol for any errors reported there.

Would there be log of errors I should be looking for? Where would this log be located? What is it's name? I've been using the KDE interface.


Thank you.


I see what you mean. I replied too quickly. I try the command from the console and the see if any errors turn up. Thank you.

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Guest glidetothehoop

Victory is mine! My mouse problem is solved!


1. I booted Knoppix from CD

2. Opened the XF86Config-4 file that Knoppix created

3. Took note of all the mouse settings that it uses (since my mouse was working in Knoppix)

4. Rebooted Mandrakelinux 10.1

5. Edited the XF86Config-4 file in the /etc/X11/ directory to match the settings used by Knoppix

6. Rebooted Mandrakelinux 10.1

7. Now my mouse is working!!!!!!


Thanks everyone! Hope this can help someone else and save them some headaches.

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i had a similar frozen mouse problem after installing MDK10.1. look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for the following section.........


Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier "Mouse1"

    Driver "mouse"

    Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"

    Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"

    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"



in the device line, try setting it thusly........


Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier "Mouse1"

    Driver "mouse"

    Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"

    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"

    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"



other options that might work if that don't are /dev/input/mouse OR mouse0 OR mouse1. but mice is sorta a coverall & should work.



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Guest glidetothehoop
Hey -- I'm having the EXACT same problem.  Would you mind telling me what you changed the config file to in order to fix it?


Thanks for the compliment. I can't take credit for the originality though. I found a similar idea posted on another board. Just thought I'd post it here since it was difficult for me to troubleshoot and since Knoppix has such great hardware detection built-in.

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Guest glidetothehoop
Hey -- I'm having the EXACT same problem.  Would you mind telling me what you changed the config file to in order to fix it?


I'm don't have the info with me at this time. But I think that it's better that you try the steps I mentioned above, because how Knoppix detects and registers your hardware in the config file may be different than mine.


Acutally, since that time I got so frustrated with Mandrake 10.1, I just installed Knoppix to my HD. I like the Mandrake interface, but since I'm not a Linux guru, I wanted to use the wizards that were included to setup stuff. Half the time my settings weren't being saved correctly or something. Just about everytime i'd boot up I'd find that it had saved my settings I had changed. That got old quick.


Maybe once the kinks get worked out in the 10.1 I'll check it out again.

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