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Freezing during 10. boot up


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Hi all,


Well everything has been running smoothly since the 10.1 OE install, except the fact I couldn't connect to the Net.


My box is ASUS AB-P 2800

It's running on dual boot with Windows XP which I am currently using to send this.

It's linked to the net with the modem provided by my ISP, which has a serial port and provides ADSL.


I changed settings to try to connect the Linux OS and that's what went wrong, I guess

At startup, the scrolling just stops at PPP interface activation (translated from the French) and the prompt just keeps blinking for ever and ever.

Should I use failsafe mode and try to modify these settings in MMC ?


I would be much obliged if someone could help me with that. It's probably nothing to get past this but honestly I don't want to mess up what's been a fine install a few days ago


Thnx for any advice

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I changed settings to try to connect the Linux OS and that's what went wrong, I guess.........


what settings did you change? hardware settings? BIOS settings? if it's hanging at detecting your modem, you can do one of 2 things...........


boot into failsafe mode. init 5 or startx at the prompt, then run MCC->network & internet->new connection. configure the connection, if it's only an ISP settings problem. if it's a hardware problem, first use hardware->hardware & make sure the modem/eth0 card is configured properly, then do the new connection wizard.


or, since it's a fresh install, you can start the install process again. choose "upgrade" instead of "install". since everything is installed already, the process will fly by & it will redetect the eth0 setup. make sure it looks correct in the final configuration screen, complete the install, then reboot it.



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I support chris z on this suggestion especially the latter part about doing a "pretend upgrade", this certainly enables correctly resetting your internet conections.

Saves a lot of time and effort I can assure you.


Cheers. John.

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Sorry Chris but this doesn't work


I did exactly what you suggested but I am still stuck at this line "Interface ppp0 activation" and the re's no prompt, or it's just blinking continuously, if you prefer as if it was waiting for something to be added but if you hit a key, nothing happens..

Now I'm worried to have to shut the box down by pressing the reset key..


Thanx anyway perhaps you 'd be able to figure ou sthg else...

Never seen a strange thing like that

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will it let you boot into failsafe? or does it hang when trying to do that? something appears to be screwy with detecting your eth0 card. during the install process, did you check the configuration settings for the card? did they look ok?


there's one other thing you can try............ do the reinstall/upgrade method again. check the configs. if it looks ok, go to the start-up services section in the config and uncheck the following to be started at boot, if any are checked.............










the first 6 will make sure no internet connection tries to start at boot. hardrake will turn off new hardware detection, so the eth0 card won't be probed. that should let you boot into a GUI. then use MCC to try to configure the card & internet.


what type of eth0 card & modem are you using? (brand name, connection type, etc.?)



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just a simple question: is this the first time you run this modem (please give us some info on model type) in a linux-box? or have you been using it longer with maybe another distro or version of mandrake? some info on that would help us to narrow things down to modules or general incompatibility.

Edited by arctic
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First of all, thx guys to try and help me


To answer Chris, yes it lets me boot into failsafe. I remember ticking the "connect at boot up box" , my eth0 card was detected allright.

It's just when I filled in the info provided by my ISP that at the new boot up all went wrong.

To answer arctic, yes it's the first time with this modem 'coz it's the one sent by my ISP. It's a kinda multi-function box (could even make coffee if I asked) : enables people to use USB and serial (ethernet) connections, plug your phonr in and later receive TV channels for bored netsurfers (true, this one). F**cking machine works like hell with w'doz..

So of course I don't have any info about this rocket modem...


But the boot up process is OK till it comes to : ppp interface activation"


That's where it hangs and stays forever. The prompt blinks and don't move.

Can't understand what's the trouble here

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it could be that e.g. you are using pppoe while you might need to connect via pppoa, depending on your serviceprovider. also: how do you connect? with a static ip adress or dhcp or yet another option? the modem and computer entries must match, otherwise it will hang forever.

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it could be that e.g. you are using pppoe while you might need to connect via pppoa, depending on your serviceprovider. also: how do you connect? with a static ip adress or dhcp or yet another option? the modem and computer entries must match, otherwise it will hang forever.


To answer you arctic, I connect by dhcp, so I probably made the mistake to choose pppoE . How can I get access to my original settings ?


I don't know what to do in failsafe mode cause it brings me to a bash prompt :

I type start x as someone (Chris) I think suggested but it didn't work

So what could I do ?

THX again

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you can delete the current settings simply by creating a new connection. if you connect via dhcp, run the mandrake-network-wizard again and when asked which ip to use, simply select the dhcp option. give it a try. :)

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I feel you are not giving anywhere near enough information.


What brand of modem is it ??

What Model is it ??

Is it both a USB and Lan type ????

Are you connected via its USB or via LAN ???


Do the "upgrade" routine again.

If you are connecting via LAN then you should be doing the following.

In New Connection select LAN connection and NOT any of the others. Click NEXT

In Net Device select ETH0 then click next.

Select Automatic IP(BOOT/DHCP) and do not select Manual Configuration.

Click Next.

Put a tick (USA=check) in Assign host name from DHCP address.

Put a tick in Start at boot. Click Next

In Host name (optional) type in your computer name if you want or have one. Click Next.

Leave this next panel blank and click Next.

Select Yes then click Next.


Hope this helps. It all works for me and is realy quite simple especially when compare to trying the USB way.


Cheers. John.



This should allow you to get into Mandrake normally.

When in there then open MCC and go to Network & Internet and select Remove a connection if you see anything besides eth0 then leave eth0 alone but delete the others.


Now go to Security in MCC then into Firewall. And make sure there is a tick in at least FTP server and also POP and IMAP Server. Click on OK.

In the NET Device part select eth0 from the drop down menu. (not ppp or ippp)

then click OK.


Now you are done and it should all be working.

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Thanx for your time you're all fine people !


I've found the solution and I can login without any more probs and now I will configure my connection seriously !!


I just had (silly me !) to enter the interactive login by pressing " shift I" and simply saying "No" when it came to networking and Internet, and then everything "magically" reappeared !


No need to do a pretend install. contented *sigh* : phewwww !!!


Thanx anyway ! Long live this site !



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