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apache webserver. help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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using your router's web interface, you need to 'port forward' port 80 on your router to port 80 on your webserver machine using the tcp protocol. Port forwarding is sometimes called 'applications' in the router software.


Alternatively, you can take a shotgun approach and use a DMZ. Give your webservers ip address (something like to the router to use as a DMZ and all incoming internet traffic is sent its way. If you do that, remember to setup a firewall on your computer.

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i was wondering one thin about my router configuration. on the router, the IP address is, but when i type ifconfig in a linux console on my computer, it tells me the ip address is


would not be where the problem comes from ?


i tried also to put an ip address in the dmz zone (i tried to put or but it does not work either.


Now i am a little baffled by the page "special application settings"


i have a field for trigger port, tcp, udp choice,then a public port field, then again a tcp, udp choice and then an Enabled box.


What exactly do i have to enter in those fields ?


i also have a "virtual server" setting page


i tried to enter (private ip) then 80 in private port, choosing tcp and then entering 80 in public port.


But then again, it did not work.


One strange thing is that before i moved to 10.1 OE, when i was on 10.0, it was working fine.


I am really baffled at my stupidity since i anm unable to recreate the right settings and i did not write them down.


here are some links i found on the net for interface snapshots of my router :

belkin gateway router status

virtual server settings



Edited by photoworks
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One strange thing is that before i moved to 10.1 OE, when i was  on 10.0, it was working fine.

Oh... how did you have it set up before? (the router that is) Perhaps its something straightforward like 10.1OE comes with a firewall running?

it seems to be very capricious,because tonight when i turned my computer on,it worked. i hope it is going to last, though i have no idea why it did not work yersterday

:unsure: :unsure:

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