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More Acrobat 5.09 Issues

Guest Roxbury Ranger

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Guest Roxbury Ranger

I know there have been a few posts on this subject, and I've reviewed them - and the FAQ for installing tar.gz file - and I'm still having a problem installing Acrobat 5.09.


I unzipped the tar.gz file to an acrobat directory.


This yielded the following :


- common.tar







I read the readme file, and it is incredibly cryptic. All it tells you to do is "install".


I've tried a number of options and none of them work. I'm at a loss of what to do next. Can someone help me out?



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to install Acrobat Reader 5.09 from the tar.gz..........


open a terminal as normal user, change to the directory where you saved it.


cd /path/to/download


unpack the file with the following command.......


tar -xvzf <exact name of file here>



su to root. to do so, at the terminal prompt type..... su (enter) password (enter).


run the install script that was unpacked from the .tar.gz file by typing.........




(hit enter)


{NOTE: that is caps sensitive, so the caps are intentional there since the installer is in CaPs.}


agree to the licensing agreement. it will then ask you for an install location. the default is /usr/local/Acrobat5. hit enter, then type "agree" (no quotes) to let it install there.


to get it to work with various browsers, see my posts in This Thread.



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Guest Roxbury Ranger

Thanks Chris Z. I followed your directions and it worked like a charm! BTW: It was the ./INSTALL piece that was missing.


I'm really glad I did this because the kghost package included with 10.0 has some formatting and printing issues.


Thanks again for the quick response.

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