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Practical Posting Guidelines


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To help you best when you ask a question on the MUB we need a minimum amount of relevant information and you need to have done some things yourself. That's why I've made a small list of things to check when you open a new topic on Mandrakeusers.org. It's just a first try so if you want to give any input on these items, or maybe want to add something, feel free to reply.


Practical posting guidelines:


1: Use the search function to check if your question has been answered in an earlier post.


2: Post your problem in the correct sub-forum


3: Use a clear topic-title and, if you use Mandrake, tell us what version you're using. Example: Mandrake XX - No sound after configuring Audigy 2 ZS.


4: Always tell what you have tried yourself and what tools you have used.


5: Describe your problem coherently.


6: Do not ask the same question twice.


7: If you problem is solved edit your post and add the word [solved] to the topic title


8: If people help you, say thank you. Don't just leave the thread. (suggestion made by Dustpuppy)


9 If you solve a problem, say how you did it, rather than just saying it's now solved. Then other people with the same problem can find the solution. (suggestion made by Dustpuppy)

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