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connection manager - icon missing


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The icon in system tray that allows you to manage your connection - I've lost it, and I don't know how to get it back, nor what it's called. It's not in the applet menu. :angry:


Anyone know how I can get it back?

Edited by ChrisM
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not exactly sure what you mean.


is it.......... right click kicker->panel menu->add->application button->internet->remote access->KPPP? or one of the others in there?


never had a "connection manager" icon there, so i'm sorta guessing.



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Tried what you suggested but it aint there.


Its an icon which really lets you enable/disable your ethernet connection and it lives/lived in the system tray. I don't know what it's called tho.




If there be no suggestions about how to get it back, maybe somebody could let me know what's it's called - maybe I can look for it at MCC/urpmi. (Mandrake 10.1)




+++edit (2)


Got it back - did a reboot (well actually, it was a second re boot) - :huh: :pc:

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just out of curiousity, what's the icon/app called? i still don't know what you're referring to.


glad you got it back, though...........



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Hey Chris


Sorry, still don't know what the icon is called.


Here's a screenie though - look for the little white X and red background - showing I've disconnected eth0


Right click on the icon and you get these options as [su]


Disconnect/connect eth0

Configure network

Monitor network


Get Online Help


Always launch on startup



Handy little icon I think. post-3931-1100168505_thumb.jpg


Desktop dull - yes I know :cheeky:

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thanks for getting back to me. still don't know what it's called. if you do find out what it is, could you post here or PM me? i'd like to have something like that.


or, if anybody else reads this & knows the name of that dock app, please do the same.



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I've looked almost everywhere - you can't select/deselect through right clicking the icon in the tray, I can't find it mentioned in any help pages and I've googled. Surely somebody knows something about this little fella :huh:

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yeah, it could be, but damned if i know what i'm looking for. :P


thanks for trying, though. :D



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It's called net_applet, new in MDK 10.1 and dev by mdk, I believe.


2 applet alternatives: knemo (displaying info about IP, traffic etc) and netgo, a networking tool for changing settings, connecting, disconnecting.




Both as rpm available here:


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What happens when you type in a console:


(or is it net-applet ... dunno)

And in your home/$user dir, there is a hidden file:



One can't even get rid of it alltogether, its part of drakx.


My personal opinion, this thing is just not working good enough.

Add contrib to your urpmi source and:


# urpmi knemo


Hmmm, if you are using kde, in gnome there sure is a similiar app.

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What happens when you type in a console:





:thumbs: :D and once again :beer:


net_applet returns the icon - close the konsole and it disappears. I've got net_applet to set on start-up, but looks it appears I've also got an issue there now :angry: however, that's another post. :D


Cheers once more.

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