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Alternative to Gaim


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Note: Qnext supports the Instant Messaging feature only, when using Qnext Universal Messenger to communicate with MSN, ICQ, Yahoo and AIM IM users.


i.e. Voice & video chat only possible with other QNext users, can't do Yahoo voice or video chat. :{


Looks good though, may give it a whirl. I'm still Wine'ing Trillian as I'm not satisfied with Gaim or everybuddy.

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gaim now has a very nice file transfer mode, and gaim-vv (http://gaim-vv.sourceforge.net/) is working on video / voice. It's a royal pain in the posterior to compile at the moment, though. They're switching it to a gstreamer backend; once that's done it should get a lot easier to build. The intention is to roll the functionality back into the main gaim once it's sufficiently "done". you can get video and voice working on msn and yahoo right now though, if you're willing to persevere.

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I still can't send files to friends/family using MSN Messenger - doesn't work. And I stay up to date with the latest releases.

I cannot either, never could even with gaim users on the other side.

Edited by william
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soulse: it's been working for me for the last three or four versions...someone sent me some digital camera pictures over msn just the other week (he uses official client). weird.

It seems to work if someone sends you a file from MSN Messenger, but not the other way around (if you try to send with Gaim to MSN). :deal:

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