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DHCP-Problem when installing from internet

Guest robamler

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Guest robamler



I'm trying to install Mandrake Linux from the internet. The installation wizard seems to identify my network card correctly (Via Rhine) and I chose to configure the network over DHCP as my machine is connected to a broadband router that works as DHCP server. But I don't know what to fill in the fields "Hostname" and "Domainname". I've already been looking for documentations, but I could not find any. I tried the IP-address of the router, the IP-address my machine is usually bound to and I tried to leave the fields blank but none of this worked.


Network works fine under Windows XP and Debian GNU/Linux. The latter displays some messages on startup like:


DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67


DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67


DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67


bound to


And "ifconfig" under Debian prints:

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


Whereas the Mandrake installation wizard only displays:









The router my machine is connected to has a HTTP interface but I can't find any hint to the hostname or domainname I have to submit for connecting. Can anyone please help me what to fill in the fields "Hostname" and "Domainname"?


Thank you very much,


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Guest robamler

Thank you for your help. "username" on a bash in Debian prints the name of my computer. The bash does not know the command "domainname".


I've localized the problem now, though not solved: I remember having had trouble using the internet with Debian, too. The problem was accessing the network card (onboard Via Rhine). But when I load a Debian kernel without acpi-support or when I add the following line to the appropriate section in /etc/lilo.conf:




then internet works fine. I know this sounds strange but it seems to be a known bug. (See Newsgroup article)


I now pressed F1 before the Mandrake installation wizard started and typed "linux acpi=off" and "expert acpi=off", but this did not work. How can I disable acpi from the kernel wich runs the Mandrake installation wizard?


Thanks a lot,


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i don't use ACPI (troublesome, as you're finding out). the easiest way to turn it off is go to Mandrake Control Center (type MCC in terminal as root)->system->services, then look for the ACPI service, turn it off & make sure you uncheck it to start at boot. you could also do it via command line, but i'm not sure of the exact syntax. usually for a service it's...............


service (name of service) start, stop, status (whichever applies)


if you still have problems after that, you might want to consider turning it off via the BIOS, unless it's absolutely necessary to have it for WinXP & Debian.



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