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Is everything in cooker compiled with all debug enabled?

Guest birkarl

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Guest birkarl

(After some late night hairpulling I now have a stable system on even my machine, so now can this ole' SuSE-user start do serious stuff ;)


After installing the latest KDE off of cooker (which by the way works wonderfully, 'cept for the next woe) I also started installing some other cooker-stuff, but now I realize I may have done something I shouldn't have. Are all cooker-stuff heavily debugcompiled with all set to respective packages maximum? I could easily understand _why_ that would be a good idea, but I can also think of any number of reasons not to do that.


To start off with, I couldn't find that information readily anywhere. Do it use max debug on every package? Judging from the size of my X (jumped 200% from last time I looked) and the amount of data being put into .xsession-errors (100% logs from KDE '3.1', about 1 Mb a minute it seems) I'd say it is. Can anyone confirm if it's just a few packages or all of 'em?






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If not all, probably a lot of them. Cooker packages is used for development, not for typical use. It's not a wonder that the size of the packages jump manyfold in size.


Anyway, if you are using the latest kde from cooker, it should be kde3.1 RC something. not KDE 3.0.5 (which is the latest stable kde version). If it works for you, that's good. But I just have to warn you that installing cooker packages can make your computer unstable.. they are designed for development use.

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Guest birkarl

I am not trying to start a flamewar or anything, just thinking that a cooker without (too much) debugging options would be better for me.


Why? I am a developer, and try my software and ideas onto new libraries and tools as soon as they're available. When I used to use SuSE (and before that, Red Hat) I had to monitor releases, getting them and compiling them, all by hand. I *love* the fact that someone else is doing that for me now. However, as I am more interested in debugging my own stuff in this unstable environment, rather than debugging this environment in itself, too much 'debugging' interferes in regards to slow speed, memory hogs and other factors. For _me_ it would be of great benefit to have only severe errors being debugged. I don't care much for the 3.1 debugging; with a simple corefile I can deduct where and why it crashed (of course not always, but darn near).


In other words, I want all the bleeding-edge software without any safetynets. Hell, even 'stable' Linux-software crash all the time :)


(Oh, and drakconf-9.1 in cooker is not working: "Can't call method "get_widget" on an undefined value at line 825. :)

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Wow, you really do know this stuffs.. well.. I think the best way for you is to join the cooker mailing list. I think the url is somewhere in the mandrake homepage. The mandrake community can always use more poeple like you so that the next version is better than the previous.


As for me.. well.. I am not much of a programmer (in fact, I hate programming unless I have to). So the reason I choose mandrake is that it works well enough at the start but flexible enough to be configurable to my heart's content. I used to be like you, installing all the cooker packages, just because I can (had a really nice cable modem with tons of bandwidth) and I like living on the edge so to speak. Nowadays, with just a dsl with a fraction of the bandwidth and only one computer available (with tons of important documents in it), I don't dare doing that anymore. *sigh* Maybe if I have a second computer I will join the edge again, but not right now.

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