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First of all, thanks for all the great information here. This is my first post as I have found many answers by searching these forums.


My problem:

When I use easy urpmi to add media sources, I keep running into an issue with the contrib sources. I have tried many different mirrors and always end up with this result:

medium "contrib" uses an invalid list file:
 mirror is probably not up-to-date, trying to use alternate method


The first few times this happened, I removed the sources with this command:

 urpmi.removemedia -a


I then reinstalled the sources again. All the mediums work except the Contrib sources.


The following is the command I typed in the terminal to add the contrib sources and the output in the terminal:


[root@localhost root]# urpmi.addmedia contrib ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirro rs/linux/Mandrake/9.2/contrib/i586 with ../../i586/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz
added medium contrib
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD 1 (x86 ) (cdrom1).cz]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD 2 (x86 ) (cdrom2).cz]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.International CD (x86)  (cdrom3).cz]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.update_source.cz]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.main.cz]
computing md5sum of existing source hdlist (or synthesis)
retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of "contrib"...
   ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/Mandrake/9.2/i586/Mandrake/base/h dlist2.cz
found probed hdlist (or synthesis) as ../../i586/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz
...retrieving done
examining hdlist file [/var/cache/urpmi/partial/hdlist.contrib.cz]
writing list file for medium "contrib"
examining pubkey file of "contrib"...
performing second pass to compute dependencies

examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1).cz ]
built hdlist synthesis file for medium "Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1)"
examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2).cz ]
built hdlist synthesis file for medium "Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2)"
examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.International CD (x86) (cdrom3).cz]
built hdlist synthesis file for medium "International CD (x86) (cdrom3)"
examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.update_source.cz]
built hdlist synthesis file for medium "update_source"
examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.main.cz]
built hdlist synthesis file for medium "main"
examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.contrib.cz]
built hdlist synthesis file for medium "contrib"
found 0 headers in cache
removing 0 obsolete headers in cache
write config file [/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg]


I assume the above output means that the media was added sucessfully.


Next is the command and the result output of adding a package from contrib media:


[root@localhost root]# urpmi libdvdread3
medium "contrib" uses an invalid list file:
 mirror is probably not up-to-date, trying to use alternate method
Please insert the medium named "Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2)" on device [/de v/scd0]
Press Enter when ready...

installing /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libdvdread3-0.9.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
Preparing...                ##################################################
  1:libdvdread3            ##################################################


Is this problem something I did wrong along the way?


This is what I think I am supposed to do to solve the issue but am not sure and am asking if this is a correct solution:


To force urpmi to use the contrib media, I would use the following commands:


urpmi libdvdread3 -f --no-md5sum


Is this solution correct? I am trying very hard to comprehend what I am doing in linux but being a total newb to this OS, I get easily overwhelmed at times.


Thanks in advance for any input on this matter.




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Are you using an un-updated 9.2? If I remember right this was a bug that could be fixed with getting the updates.


You're doing it right! BUT, I've never had to to use anything other than 'urpmi name_of_pkg'. I understand that options like '-f' and ' --no-md5sum'' are there for a reason but you shouldn't need them or something is wrong. I've never needed them.

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Are you using an un-updated 9.2? If I remember right this was a bug that could be fixed with getting the updates.


Hello bvc,


To answer your question, I used the update tool provided in the Gnome-configuration-packaging-update menu. I installed all the security, bugfixes and updates that were available. So, to my knowledge, I believe I am using a currently updated system.


After I updated my system, I had to search these forums to get the answer to menus disappearing (update-menus -v). I then rebooted the system and once I logged back in (root), I then used the easy urpmi to add the sources.


So do believe I am using the most updated security, bugfixes, updates provided for ML 9.2


Regards, Steve

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Hello and thank you aRTee.


You say I can ignore the message. I understand that but I guess my next question is this.


In the above case, urpmi first tried to install package libdvdread3 from the media.contrib sources but when it said "medium "contrib" uses an invalid list file", it then found the package on my number 2 disk. I guess I was lucky there, but what if it would not have found an alternative source? What would I have to do to get urpmi to use the contrib media? (I may be dense, but as stated in my first post, linux is overwhelming and my brain has been overloaded with reading all the docs and how to's... so please bare with me on this :P )


Regards, Steve

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The answer to your question is no. libdvdread is not in the contrib sources. Disk 2 does not contain contrib sources. You will get that error no matter where your package is located, because every time you run urpmi, it looks at all the list files. I absolutely guarantee that you can still install packages from contribs mirrors. If you care to prove it to yourself, remove your disks from your urpmi sources and have only web sources (of course make sure you have the web sources for the regular stuff that would be on your disks), remove libdvdread3 and try to install it using the exact same command you just used. Don't use the extra flags.

Edited by Steve Scrimpshire
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Problem solved!


Thanks Steve Scrimpshire for your post. I did as you suggested. No, the file was not on the contrib.source. When I got the orignal msg of

[root@localhost root]# urpmi libdvdread3

medium "contrib" uses an invalid list file:

I thought that is where it was located.


I did some searches and finally ended up with my answer to the invalid list file.


To fix the problem I took the following actions.


1. removed all sources with the urpmi.removemedia -a command


2. went to easy urpmi and used the generated code and added the sources


3. deleted the file libdvdread3 as you suggested (to prove it to myself :D )


4. fixed the problem of getting the msg invalid list file by using the command:

rm /var/lib/urpmi/list.contrib


5. I then typed in the command urpmi libdvdread3 and urpmi retrieved the package with no problems or messages about invalid list. (it downloaded it from the plf source)


Regards, Steve

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