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Wireless Configuration


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Hi all. This is not a Mandriva/Mageia query, but I'm sure we can sort it.


This is for a MK802 arm device with android on the flash memory, but boots off a correctly structured sd card. I grabbed the image from:

Lubuntu image, so it's an image not a self generated install.


My MK802, of course, has a different wireless chip to that used in the image (I assume this means I have a Chinese copy :( ).


So this is what I can tell you:


Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0bda:0179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

uname -a
Linux miniand 3.0.36-t1+ #14 PREEMPT Tue Jul 3 12:27:08 EST 2012 armv71 armv71 armv71 GNU/Linux


Some reading around suggests that I need to get the driver from Realtek, while others suggest it just needs to be configured. All help appreciated.

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