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Filetype icons don't display


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Hi everybody.


I have yet another problem: I'm using KDE and trying to change an icon for sqlite databases. The default icons is the one for unkown files, I found a nice icon and am trying to use it for that file type, but no matter what I do, it never changes. The window that comes up when you right click and select properties in Dolphin does show the new icon, but Dolphin itself keeps showing the usual one (the icon for unknown files). Any idea of why this is happening?

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If you could find the name of the original icon file, locate this, then rename it and symlink to your new one, or copy your new one into place, and that would be one way of solving it. We used to do similar with Gnome and the Mandriva star, changing it to display the gnome foot instead of the star.


So a similar process should exist for the particular icon set that you are using in KDE.

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If you could find the name of the original icon file, locate this, then rename it and symlink to your new one, or copy your new one into place, and that would be one way of solving it. We used to do similar with Gnome and the Mandriva star, changing it to display the gnome foot instead of the star.


So a similar process should exist for the particular icon set that you are using in KDE.



Yes, I have done that to replace the mandriva star. However, since this particular icon is the default unknwon filetype icon. This means that if I change it with that approach, all the unknown files will look like sqlite3 files. In Mageia 2 this happens with some filetypes. In OpenSuSe (I also have it) it is happening with all file icons (can't change any), could this be a KDE bug?

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It's possible that it's a KDE bug, I don't have KDE on my system, and haven't used it since 2007. Seems strange that it shows it in Dolphin when you go to the properties of the file, but not anywhere else. I'd have thought that once you changed it, that it should show it correctly.


Sorry that I can't be of much help.

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