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Mageia 2 - Toshiba Laptop - Wifi 8192CE


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I tried to make the title searchable for Toshiba laptop and Mageia 2 & wifi. Mageia has a driver but it is in the wrong folder. rtl8192ce rtl8192se rtl8192de


It is in:




Copy the file from there to:





It does not look in the /rtl8192CE sub folder for it.


I rebooted and it worked. If you have problems you can try downloading and compiling the driver.


You can also get a new driver from:




I extracted it to /home/john/rt2 rt2 is just short for lazy sake


Open a konsole and do:


Su root


Enter root password.


type: cd /home/your user name/rt2/


Type: make




make install


I tried to be as clear as possible in case some new people find it and can't get their wifi going. I assume there a lot of Toshibas and other brands that use the Realtek chips covered by this driver.



[moved from Laptops and Portable Devices by spinynorman]

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