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Console menu option Add Bookmark not working

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In Mandriva 2010.2 with KDE in console there is menu "Bookmarks->Add bookmark". Selecting it current directory

1) Is not saved if I am logged in console as root. I mean opening "Bookmarks=>EditBookmarks" menu I see empty items.

2) saved ok if I am logged as not root user

Can I fix it?


uname -a
Linux localhost #1 SMP Mon Sep 20 19:00:25 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux



[moved from Software by spinynorman - welcome aboard :)]

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I think it's probably working as it should be. If you are logged in as your regular user, then it will make the bookmarks for that particular user. Therefore they won't show up for the root user because they are your bookmarks and not the ones for the root user.

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I think it's probably working as it should be. If you are logged in as your regular user, then it will make the bookmarks for that particular user. Therefore they won't show up for the root user because they are your bookmarks and not the ones for the root user.

Thanks, that is clear.

But can I in any way for some definite user show bookmarks of root user ?

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