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What comes with the 2010.2 PowerPack download


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Sorry if this is a silly question, but the Mandriva site is very vague on how the download of the PowerPack works.


How is the download limited, by time or number of downloads?


Can I download both the 32 and 64 bit versions. That is what they ship when they sell the DVD's.


I am doing this on a computer that is slowly dieing and I need to get something working on it that is stable. Soon.


I have downloaded the 2010.2 One CD, but last time I installed using the 2008.1 One CD and it took me a month to get it working having gone through 6 kernels and numerous attempts to get the Nvidia drivers working. I thought that buying a PowerPack might speed things up.


Is the "Free" DVD usable in less than a month of messing around?


Suggestions, tips, hints, and dopeslaps are all welcome at this point.





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Thanks for the quick reply. I am skittish because the 2008.1 One CD I used last time had a crippled kernel with it that would only recognize 1 Gig of my 2 Gig of RAM. It would also not load a driver for my Nvidia card. It took hours of online research and many kernel downloads just to get the system recognizing my hardware. The rest of it went fairly well. I am currently running the crippled kernel because the other one got corrupted by my failing disk drive.


I have been eyeballing the Mageia distro, but I really do need something soon because we use this computer for work, finance, etc. I would like to use the long weekend to get this thing working again.


Maybe I will try to partition my new disk for a dual boot and try both. I have never done that before. What is the current wisdom for partitioning a disk? I have a 500 Gig Seagate on its way to me. B)


Here is my current setup:


Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             7.7G  2.2G  5.2G  30% /
/dev/sda7             191G   68G  123G  36% /home
/dev/sda5              30G  6.5G   22G  24% /usr


Swap is 2 Gig on /dev/sda6





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For a desktop, really only /, /home and swap is required.


I would have combined your / and /usr and just had a 20GB / partition. As 6.5 + 2.2GB = 7.7GB, it's well within the 20GB limit of / and you have space for your /tmp files and /var growing. 2GB swap is OK, and allocate the rest to /home.


Mine for example:


Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      20G  6.4G   13G  34% /
tmpfs                 1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                  1.9G  480K  1.9G   1% /dev
tmpfs                 1.9G  104K  1.9G   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             228M   34M  183M  16% /boot
                     446G  246G  201G  56% /home


disregard the /dev/mapper stuff as I'm using LVM partitions. They could just as well be /dev/sda2 for / and /dev/sda3 for /home.

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