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Difficulty reading MP3 from CIFS (Samba) share


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I have collected a bunch of MP3 and put them on my NAS (Bubba -- running Debian). Below is output of /proc/mounts for the share in question:


//bubba/home /home/pindakoe/bubba cifs rw,mand,relatime,unc=\\bubba\home,username=pindakoe,uid=1001,forceuid,gid=100,forcegid,addr=,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,serverino,rsize=16384,wsize=57344 0 0

> ls -ld bubba/
drwxr-xr-x 1 pindakoe users 0 2010-07-05 18:57 bubba//


The UID/GID options are passed to ensure that UID/GID match between my Linux box and the NAS.


I have some sort of weird access issue if I try to get the ID3 tag info when files are on the NAS: mp3info complains about a missing ID3 tag and corrupt info at end of file; Thunar only shows an empty tag. Alsaplayer can read the file, but refuses to play it ('no stream; the module for mp3s cannot open the file). Audacious opens the file and plays it. I can copy the files from the NAS to my HD and mp3info, Thunar, alsaplayer work OK; the file is complete (including tags) and plays normally. Anybody who has got a clue where this issue comes from?

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