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Dual monitors, how to keep the task bar on VGA-0 ?


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The primary monitor is VGA-0, and sometimes it's desired to play a video on the big monitor which is HDMI-0. I've got this xrandr command line which works nicely except that the KDE4 task bar and desktop icons all move over to HDMI-0. How can I keep the task bar and desktop icons on VGA-0 ?


xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1024x768 --rotate normal --pos 0x0 --output HDMI-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rotate normal --right-of VGA-0 --pos 1024x0

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I have always used the proprietary driver for making such video adjustments. I am familiar with Nvidia, since I choose those video cards, but I am certain that ATi has such instructions as well. As far as the task bar and associated icons, when you switch the primary, those items intentionally follow the primary. Perhaps you could investigate a command to simply launch your video program on the appropriate monitor without switching the primary. That is my recommendation.

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Launching a program to the desired monitor is already working, just click in the desired monitor prior to launching the program and the program will open in that monitor. KDE has a choice of settings associated with this feature. I just need a way to keep KDE's taskbar on the smaller monitor, VGA-0.

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For clarification, you are experiencing a change in the task bar location without changing the primary?

Edited by Ixthusdan
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It's going to be a few days until I can test on that computer, a desktop running Mandriva 2010.1. Right now I'm testing xrandr on a laptop running 2010.0. According to a post over on the KDE forums; once krandrtray is running then the command "xrandr --output VGA-0 --primary" should switch the primary display, moving the KDE task bar to VGA-0. Unfortunately that isn't working for me.


I'm beginning to suspect there's something about Mandriva 2010.0 and 2010.1 which prevents the "--primary" option from working. Anyone running KDE and two monitors please check this out and let me know if you can switch the KDE taskbar to your other monitor.

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